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r2zvu~r~s or -ri~r, ~aoRxsxon Mcr•rzNc <br />CITY COUNCZL <br />LI'.L'TLE CANADA, ~fIN~~SOTA <br />May ?_S, I985 <br />Pur,uant to due ca11 and noti.ce thereoE a worlcshop meeting of the <br />Council and the Yl.anni_ng Commi.>si.on oE the City of Li_ttle Canada, <br />Minnesota was held o^ the 28th day of yay, 1985 i.n the Council. ChambErs <br />of: t:he Ci.ty Center l.ocated at 515 L~i.t:tle Canada Road in sai.d City. <br />Mayor Michael I'ahey chaired the meeti_ng ~nd calied i.t to order. at <br />7:00 P.M. and L-he members were present at roll ca11: <br />MLMFIF;RS PI2GSEN'C: iKayor Mr.Michc~el. P~hey <br /> CounciLnan Mr. Blesener <br /> Councilman Mr, Rick Collove <br /> Cou~ci.lwoman Mrs . Beverly Scal.ze <br />MEMi~IiRS A]1SIiA]T: Councilwoman Mrs. P4ug, Nardini <br />PLt1NNING COMMSSS7 0N <br />yEMBP;I2S PRESGN'P: Mr, ~I~i.1.1 Davi.son <br /> Mrs. Karolyn K~i.ngsbury <br />PLANNSNG COMMISSI ON <br />MEMilGRS AI~SI.NT,: Mr. Peter Costa <br /> P9r. Gene DeLonai.s <br /> i1r. 'Pom Ducharme <br /> Mr. Roy I'rench <br /> Mr. Art Herkenhof:[ <br /> Mr. Thomas Perlin;er <br /> Ptrs. Sharon 7'immons <br />ALSO PRiiSPNT: Ci.ty Clerlc Mr. Joseph Chlebeeic <br /> City Auditor Mr. I3ob Voto <br /> Secretary Mrs< Kathleen Glanzer <br />City's Auciit: The Citq Auditor, ~9re I~ob Voto of Voto, Reardon, 'Cautges & Co., LCd. <br />Re~ort appeared before the Councl.l and presented the Management ReporC and <br />Recommendations throup,h December 31, 1984 and the Annual Pi.nanc,ial <br />Report through December 31., 19II4. <br />htr. Voto reporCed LhaC Chese reE~orCS are the best financi.~l reporC <br />that the Ci.ty has received i.n ~aell over 10 years. VoCO staCed that <br />the onty areas not are the Ci.ty's o7~ter and sewer <br />rates. [lowever, overall 198[4 is a positive year for Che Cit.y. <br />Voto repocted that tt~e ~rob].ern with water and sewer rates is Ch~t tl~e <br />races cover acCUal cosi:s and do noC include provision f.or future needs. <br />Mr. VoCO began a review of. Cl~e City's Mana~;ement Report and RecommendaCi.ons <br />with the Cow~ci.l.. <br />Pagc -1- <br />