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MINU'LES <br />C:i.ty Counci.l. <br />a~ <br />May ~'-_?, 1.985 <br />CommuniCy R~ <br />Neigl~l~orhood <br />Centers <br />(Cont.) <br />yr. Clausen stated that the big problem wouid be the money thaC ~aould <br />have to be s~enC in rennovations. <br />Sckiultz poinCed out that Clausen indi.c~te~ t:hat there ~re a loU <br />of human services orf;anizations l.ool<i_ng Lor space Go ].ease. <br />Clz~usen st2ted that the County has many programs sc~ttered around ttie <br />County <and it coould be more ef.f:i.cient to consoli.c]ate Chese programs <br />~i.nCO one si.te Co serve suburban Ramsey CounCy. Clausen staCed t:hat <br />he undersCOOCI that a staff person from Ramsey County has loolced aC <br />the Kel.l.o,v,g site. <br />Mra Schultz stated that human services organiz~itions bother him. <br />Schultz stated that he di.d not coant a clrug servi.ces organi.zation <br />at Kelloy;g. Schultz al>o felC that if :i.t: were just a qucst.i.on of <br />money, the County would not hesitaCe to relor_~.ite their proorams Co <br />Ke1l.ogg. <br />Clausen commented that the School Distri.ct currently has druf; <br />related ~rograms in four of its seconclary schools, Schultz felt <br />thaC the scale would increase ~vith a human sero~i.ces organi.zation. <br />Claiisen also stated that chere i.s a sCrong neect for fami.l.ies to have <br />a piace for. coun; Clausen stated that he was not aware of one <br />complai.nt f.rom ci.tizens where the Xouth Service I3uceau i.s l.ocated <br />or where New Connect:ions was located, Cl.ausen seated Chat Chere have <br />also been no problem with Che Merr~iam Paric organizati.on ~ahich deals <br />with juvenil de].inquents. <br />Scalze poi.nCed out tliat the scale oI Chese operaCi.ons could be <br />increased with 240,000 square feeC available. <br />~Irs. Davison asked if. there wouid be people housed on the premises <br />for long peri.od,. Clausen stated that the School Di.sCrict <br />has housed people overnight. Clausen also reported that he has <br />proposed thaC in the Governor's proposat, that an 0lympi.c <br />tr~ining si.te could be establishecl at Kellogg. <br />Mr. P,lesener stateci that f:hi.s is one of Che thi.ngs that Che City <br />does not wa~nt. Slesener pointed out ChaC I.ittle Canada is only 5 <br />square miles and Li.ttl.e Canada i.s too small. to subsidi.ze m uroYram <br />of thi.s type. <br />Scalze stated that Che City's zoning code gives the Council the <br />aut:hority to define community ccnter. <br />Schultz statecl that the Kellogg site wi1.l not just sit, and pointed <br />out that the f.uCUre use oE the site has already been discussed. <br />Cl.ausen stated that there wi.11 be a number of people who wil.l make. <br />an of'Ler to buy or lease the building and poi.nte<I out that i.t could <br />become a Guard Armor-y. <br />}?~~~ -1.0- <br />