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MINUTliS <br />Ci.ty Council <br />May 28, 1985 <br />Communi.ty & <br />Nei.ghborhood <br />Centers <br />(ConC.) <br />Pahey pointed out that the def.initi.ons app7.y Co every publically <br />zoned properCy i.n the Ci.ty. <br />Clausen stated that he wants flood Lor the communi.Cy also, if. <br />thi.s were to come about. Clausen stated that as Di.rector of Communi.Cy <br />EducaCi.on, Y~e is not out promoti.n~; another center. <br />Scalze stated thaC historically i.n this School Di.str~ict, t:he buildi.ngs <br />not usec( on Che east sicte of the lli,Cri.ct ar.e sold. Scalze stated <br />that Chere are currently 5 bui.ldings full ot l<i.cls, but there wi1.1. <br />shortly be 4. Scalze poi.nted out thaC none oi:' the 9 buil.dings west <br />of: Da1e get: sold. <br />Mr. Davison asked i.f there was a nee<t f.or ~~nother r.ommuni.ty center <br />that would not dupl:icate the serv:ices of Pairview. Mr.. Clausen staCed <br />Chat he di.d not lcnow and he would need a year or two to determine <br />thi.s. <br />Cl.ausen staCed that human services agenc~.ies are lool< Lor space. <br />'fhere i.s no more space at Pairview. tlowever, it would tatce a major <br />tenant to come into Che Pai.rvi.ew's major tenant is Ramsey <br />Courity. <br />Clausen gave a li.shing of the square footap,e used by each of Fairview's <br />tenants: Li.brary - 9,0£39 squar.e feeC; 1.2amsey County - 9,0£39; <br />Envir.onmental flealxh - 4,120; New Connect~i.ons - 1,440; National. <br />Council on Pamil.y Relations - 2,394; PTA - 724; Child Car Associati.on - <br />720; Merriam Parl< - 2,760; MI:CC - 7,219; MASA - 3,~F7f3; Job Servi.ce - <br />l,OFi4; Ch~i].dren's llome Society - 3,2?5; Reality :[nstit:ute - 720; <br />Youth Service 13ureau - 1,488, Por a total of 3£3,441 squ2re f'eeC. <br />Mr. Collova astced how much square footage there is in I<ellogg< iKrs. <br />Ki.ngshury repl.ied Chat Chere i.s abouC 740,000 square feet. <br />Mr. Davi.son asked i.I the City adopts some definti.ons, i.f tY~e School <br />lli.sCr.ict then has Co live with the,se definitions. Pahey replied <br />thnt this is the feeling of Che C~ity that the School Uistrict would <br />have to livc ~oithin Lhe Code, unless Che Counci.l ~oould rezone <br />l.and or change the deFi.ntion to a11ow for. some commercial use. <br />Mr. Clausen reporCecl that £30% of taxpayers do not have clrildren in <br />public school. There.fore, he wori<s to mal<e the communit.y center <br />servi.ce ~all Che communi.ty. <br />Dlvison asked i.f this worlcing defi.nition woulcl the Scl~ool <br />room to get the building at a breatc-evc:r~ poi.nte Mr< Cl.ausen <br />stated that he s~w no pr.oblem this I~lowever, Clausen sCated <br />that hi.s colleagucs may talce issue wi.Ch whetlier or not the City has <br />the authority to say no, <br />Mr. Scliultz pointed out thaC if Fairvie~a is fu11, wouldn't. it be <br />advantageous to expand to a building, twice its si.ze. <br />Pa~;e -9- <br />