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05-28-85 Council Workshop Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
05-28-85 Council Workshop Minutes
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~[NU~rs <br />CiCy Courtcil <br />i~tay 2£3, 19f35 <br />Audi.t Report ^fLstablish i_mproved policies relatirtg to developer deposits. <br />(Cont.) <br />%~'fa!<e acCi.on to provide evi.dence of compli.ance i.n Che publi.c of:ficial.s <br />conPli.ct of inter.est area. <br />'Che Ci.ty Cl.erk reported that at the next Council meeti-ng there wi.l1 <br />be a of audi.t adjustments for the Counci.l to act on. <br />Communi.ty & T4r. Fahey reported thaC the next por.tion of the meetinc; was to di.scuss <br />Neighborhoocl defini.tions for community eenter and nei.ghborhood center. i~es>rs. <br />Centers .Jim Clausen and Bob t3iershi.ed of che School Distri.ct were present ~h <br />the meeCin~, A1so present in the audience caere Debra and Martc Schultz, <br />Harol.d Fiecher.t, Joan S.aiko, Jenny Nash, Gert SaLtco, Jaclc and Mary ,Jo <br />Fi.tzgerald, Denni.s and I~etty Davi.son and Pr..intc ,ratczylc. <br />Mr. 131esenes submittect to ~hc Council some definiti.ons he put Cogether <br />£or nei.ghborhood and community centers, RLesener stated that thesc: <br /><( are i.ntendecl a> a place to star.t di.scussi.ons. <br />i1rs. Scalze poi.nted ouC thac the word "CommuniCy" i.s not defi.ned. <br />F31es~ner suggested that communiCy could to Distri.ct /h623. <br />Mr, I'ahey Eett that community center should nuC be defi.ned to f:iC <br />t_he boundaries of 623. t'2hey felt that the focus shouLd be pr i.marzl.y <br />on the City and any publically owned land in Ghe City. <br />yrs< Scalze f.elt that any communiCy center in I.,ittle Canadti shoul.d <br />not be servicir~g the City of. St. Paul. Scalze poi.nted out thaC Li.ttl.e <br />Canada is 7_ 1/2% 01 Ramsey County and that I.i.ttle Canada should noC <br />servi.ce 12am;ey County to any extent more than that percentage. <br />Mr. i3l.esener stated that he felt ~in some case.s a li.ttl.e of St. Paul. <br />or Vadneii.s kleighCS may have to be included. 131.esener poini:ed out <br />the Vadnais tlei.ghts seni.or ciCi.zens who Co the 55 Plus Club. <br />Mr. Clausen commented that Che School Di.stri.ct approached the County <br />about funding seni.or citizen ~rograms, and the County has 7.evic.d up <br />to 1. mi.ll f.or use by seniors. Clausen poi.nted out t:hat aC Fai.rview <br />nuCriCi.orial services are offered to ~ny senior i.n i2amsey County. <br />Mr. Clausen outlined the hi.sto~ry o[ community ce.nters in Di.s~ri.ct 6'L3 <br />and poi.nted out that Che f:i.rst center was located in the 01.<I Little <br />Canada School.. Prom chac ].ocati.on, the ccnter was move<l to Lalce Owasso <br />and the Di.str~i.ct svortced with Che nei.ghbors of building when the <br />communi.ty center move ~aas planned. <br />T4rs. Scal.ze aslced why the center. was moved from the Old Li.ttl.e Canada <br />School. Clausen repli.ed that the a,e of: Ch~ bui.l.din~, bul.lding <br />desi_~;n and the amount of: spac~~~ were Lactor.s in the move, Lalce Owasso <br />had al1 i_ts faciliCies on one £].oor and was more cenr.ral.Ly located. <br />Page -6- <br />
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