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MINU'LES <br />City Counci.l <br />May 7_f3, 1.9f35 <br />Communi.ty & Mr.. Clausen explained thac communi.ty education is mandaCed by the <br />Neighborhood School l3oarcl that they cannot i.ncur any costs from the General L'unde <br />Centers Comrnuni.ty centers have to be Communi.ty Educat:ion <br />(Cont.) origi.nally received a Pecleral grant to cover start-up costs. <br />i~Ihen the was Co move cornmun~i.ty educat~ion Co ~airview, which <br />had 147_,549 square fcet, communi.ty educaCi.on again received a <br />Pederal p,rant to matce the move, There were problems the Fairvieca <br />buildin~;: l.adc of ai.r conditi.oning, convert:ing special. use areas <br />i.nto oLEice, wor!<room or space. <br />Clausen reported thaC Fiamsey Coiinty I.,i.brary :is Che main I.easee at <br />Fairvi.ew. <br />Pai.rview also has 21..7 acres of.~ property. Scalze poi.ntect out Chat <br />Kellogg has 41 acres< <br />Clausen stated thaC as Di.rector oL Comm~mit:y Pducation he knows of: <br />no proposal to turn Ke17.oeg into a Coromunity Center. Clausen stated <br />thaC he has been aslced to brainsCorm the possi.bili.ty and his fisst. <br />report was pessimi.stic. <br />Clausen stated that in order Co devel.op atiother Cor,ununi.ty CenCer, <br />Communi.ty F,ducation would need some ].cad time to be abl.e to mal<e it <br />Ei_nanc:iaLl.y. <br />Clausen staCed that hi.s report was pessi_misti.c because t:here <br />is no l.onger Federeil. granC money avai.lable Lor sCart-up~ and there <br />is no money Lor Ciausen to draw on. <br />Clausen stated that i.n order fora community center to be establi.shed <br />aC I<elloog or Ramsey, he i.'el.t: that lead time of one year would be <br />necessary Co work out the necessary agr.cements. <br />Clausen stated that he kias revised his ori.~inal reporC to be more <br />opCimistic and thr~t during the past six months he has been workin~ <br />wi.Ch Mari.lyn Kurns, Dir.ecCOr of Communi.ty I.'sducation f.or South <br />Washi.ngton Count:y, about this matCer. <br />Clausen stated that they ~are beginning to rtm short of: space at <br />Fai.rvi.ew. Given suf.Ei_cierit lead tirne a community center at ISe ll.ogg <br />or Ramsey could be esCabli.shed, but this cannot proceed until there <br />are signed leases to break even in Che £irst year of operation, <br />Clausen reported thaC Fairvi.ew had revenucs Eor Chi.s year, July 1, 1984 <br />to Jime 30, 19£;5, of $2~F1,595.77. Operational cos[s are at about <br />,^p200,000 ~~er year. There is no prof~i.t :involved i.n a communi[y center, <br />I3y statute any money t:}i~t i.s si~ent: i.n gett:i.n~; a ready, must <br />bc: recovered. A1so, money must be put int:o escrow for antici.pated <br />cos[s. <br />~'aF;~ -~- <br />