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~~izNU~rrs or ~rz~u: a;~cuLAtt r1t~~;r•rtcac <br />CI.'i.'Y COtIDICL(., <br />L1TTL~ CANADFl, bIIN~~P:S01'A <br />June 17., 19£35 <br />1'ursuant to due call and no[i.ce Chereof ~i regular of: che <br />Cotmcil of the Ci.ty of Littl.e Can~icla, Minriesot~i was held on the <br />12Ch deay of June, 1985 in the Coimcil. Chambers of the City Center <br />located ac 515 Li.ttle Canacla ftoad i.u said City. <br />Agenda M1yor Michael. I~'al~ey chaired the meet:ing and cal7.ed i.t to orde~r at <br />Item No. 1 7:32 .P.hL ~.ind ttie were present aC ro11 ca11: <br />Apenda MliM13liRS PRliSi'sNT: P9ayor Mr. M.i_chael Fatiey <br />Item No. "L Courici.lman i>1r. Wi.lliam Bl.esener <br />Councilman Mr. Riclc Coilova <br />Counci.lwoman Mrs. Mugs <br />Counci.l~aoman Mrs. i3everly >cal.ze <br />ALSO PRlSENT: Ciey C1er(c t4r. Joseph Chlebeck <br /> Attorney P4r. 'i'homas Sweeney <br />Consult:ing Tngineer Mr. Donald Carl.ey <br />Ci.ty Planner P~1r. Steve Gri.Ctman <br />Recor.din~; Secretairy Mrs. Rathleen Glanzer <br />Approval Mrs. Scal.ze i.nd~icat:ed that on pa~;e 9, first: paragraph oL the y(ay <br />OE 'Cne 7_"L Counci.l rni.nutes, Mr. Fahey's sCatement skiould ind:icaCe <br />i~linutes that the; easement wouLd be 30 feet wide if: that i.s accept~zble <br />to tiie Parlc Comm:issi.on. <br />A~enda <br />Item No. 3 Mrs. Scal.ze introduced the .Eollowing resolu[ion aiid moved i.ts adoption: <br />RtiSOT.UTSON a~0. BS-6-273 - APPROVING <br />TI{li MINUT~S OI` THG LIAY 22, 1985 COiJNCIL <br />MtiL'fING WI'I'FI 'CLIE: OUTLINID CORRf.?CTION <br />'Che Eoregoi.n~; resoluti.on was duly ,econded by i~[r. Slesener. <br />Ayes (5) Scalze, F3lesener, 1'aihey,, Collova. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolution decl.ared adopted. <br />Thi.s x'esoluCion appeeirs in P.esoluCion I3oolc No< 12, Pa;e 275. <br />Mrs. Scalz,e ind:Lcated Chal the f.oll.ow~in~; corrections should be made <br />to the May 2H worl<shop minutes: <br />On p<i~e E3, second paragraph, the ].asC word 'tn the para~;raph <br />shoul.d he changed t~rom "Pairview" to "ICel.log~"; <br />On paf;e t3, 6th paregraph shouid be amended as follows; <br />...Scalzc also pointed oue that Che School D~.istrict has 9 <br />bu:i.Ldings west of Da1e Street where ha7.f o£ the stadents <br /> and 5 east of. Dale. All. ot t:he present uses of these <br />9 build~in~s west of Da1e would also fi.t ~.into Li.Ctl.e Cenacla's <br />'Z,oning Gode. The:refore, our. code isn't unreasonlbl.c. Scalze <br />also... <br />Page -1- <br />