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t:1~~u~rr~,s or ~c~~te: ~tr.euLAR ~titr~rri:Nc <br />c:rrY cou~clt, <br />Lrr.•~cLe c~Nnva, r-i:n~r~rso~rn <br />June 26, 19H5 <br />7?ur.~suanl:. Co due cal.l and noCice thereof a regular ot the <br />Council of the Ci.tq oE I.,ittte Canada, Minnesota was l~ield on che <br />26CI:~ day of June, 1955 iri t:he Council Chamber~; of Che~ Ci.ty Cent:e~r <br />l.ocatecl at 515 Li.[tle Canacla Road :ln saicl Ci.ty. <br />Agenda Nayor i~ahey cltairecl thE>, mecCi-ng and callec( it L~ order at. <br />:Ctem \o. 1 7:30 P.M. and t1~e membcrs w~rc present et: rol7. cal.'1; <br />Agendai Z1EP1B„125 P12ZSIiN'C; ;~layor Mr. Niichael Fahey <br />Ilem No. ?_ Councilman ~Ir. 1i~i.l.liam Plesenc~~r <br /> Counc~tlman P4r. Riclc Co1.lova <br /> Councilwoman Mr_s. ISeverly Scalze <br /> M1i;LIBL~RS r1I3S[:N7': Mrs. Mu~s Nard-ini <br /> AI.SO 7?tti?S]iN'C: Ci.t_y Cicrk Mr. Joseph Cl~il.c;becl< <br /> Ci.Cy At~.COrney P9r. 'fhomas Sweeney <br /> Con, tin~;i.neer Mr. Don~lcl Carley <br /> C:ity Planner Mr. SCeve Grl.ttman <br />Approv~l. Mr. I37.esener i.ndi.cated that Che followi.n g correcti_ons should bc <br />O[ 7'he made Co the Jwie 12 Counc:il meeting m:inu tes: <br />Minutc~ <br /> On page 12, ResoluG:ion No, 85-6-280 should refer <br />Agenda to ju,t iCem r\. 4. anct noC f~. 4. and 73. 4.; <br />Item No. 3 <br /> On page 1F3 svitl.~ x'e~;ard to t~~ :i.ncre ment f:inanci.nt;, <br /> D~.irr, 731eserier incticated that ti~ie. Ste nf;er-K.7.ein <br /> pr.operty is one example ot ~ahere Ca x i.ncrement: <br /> Lin~~anc:ing mi~;ht work. <br />~~tr. Pahey i.ntroducect the foll.ow~ing re.solution and moved 3.CS uzdoption: <br />.RIiSOLU'CION N0. ~5-6-30'i - A,PPFtOVING <br />'CH~ ~~1~LNU'I'~S 0'I' "CI~IE ,JIJPII' 12, 19~5 CO1711C7:L <br />MCsI's'LCNG 6?ITH 'CFll's Ai~OV!? OU'I'LINIl1D CORR~CC:CONS <br />The E.or.egoing re>olut:ion io2s cluly sc~.conciecl by PYrs< Se~lzc. <br />Ay~~~s (4) T'ahey, Scalze, Col.l.ova, I3lesener. <br />\ayes (0). <br />Resolution clec7.eired adopLecl. <br /> resoluci.on appears in ResoluCion Bool< No. 72, J?ages 309 ai~d 310. <br />Pa~e --1.- <br />