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rv[INtJ'CF.:i <br />CJ.ty Council. <br />June 26, 19t15 <br />C4c;Donalds TLiere ~aas no one presenC represenCin~; ~ICllonal.ds, thcrefoce, Counc:i.l <br />del~ayed consi.derrat:ion ot tPi:is mat:Cer anti.l 1~tcr I.n t1te. <br />Irein rto. 4 <br />Storm Sewec Mayor Pahey o};>enecl Che publ:ic hearing on tkie esttibLi.shment: of a s[orm <br />7:rnproveme.~lt sewer.~ i.mprovement tax distri.cC for tFie City. <br />Di.strict <br />Fahc:y reported th<at th~: Counc:il has cons~.dered this propo,al a~C. <br />Agenda a rvor.lcshop me;et:ing and has det:errni.ned thaC i.C would be in the best <br />Item No. 5 i.ntecests o[ tki~ City t:o declare ttie Ci.ty one stor.m sewer improvement <br />d:istri.cC. Counc:il. Y_el.t that the C:ity as ai who.Le i.s benefiCed from <br />storm sewer improvemenCS due Co the F.~ct thaC one dreri.nage di.tch in <br />the CiCy handles 85% of storm sewer ri.m-oC~.f: .:~nc! tkiat Lalce Gexv~x~is <br />gets 95% of, the. run-ofC :in Che CS_Cy. <br />1~ahey also expla.ined t:h~t sCOrm sewer ~improvements would be taxed <br />ngain,t ttie Ci.Cy, <br />'Pheire ~:aas no one pr.esent wish:i.n,n, to carunent on t:he storm sewer- <br />imX~rovcrnent d:i.sCx~icC proposal.> <br />Mr. ;Slesener introduced the fol'Lowing resoluCi.on and movec.t i.r.s ~dopti.on: <br />RI;SOLU'PIC)~7 ~0. ~5-6-306 - C'I,OSING 'LfIF <br />PUI3LIG HFAF2tNG ON 'fl~tli; P;STAS'L~ISHP1'CNT <br />Ok' A S'A'ORP1 S13~i7GR TMYROVEx~41ZN'C 9'L~X DiS'LRTC'C <br />'Che forc€; resolution was du7.y seconded by Nfrs. Scalze:. <br />Ayes (4) 1llesener, Scalze, Coll.ova, Fahey. <br />Nayes (0). <br />i2esolution declared adopCed. <br />7'his rr.sol.~.iC~ion az~~pears in ResoluCion I3oolc No. 12, Pa~e 311. <br />Mrs. Scalze i.nCroduced che ord~.i.nance and moved its adopt~ion: <br />OR1>SNt~1NC`~, NO< 255 - PS7'AI3L,S.SHIVG A <br />STORM SISSJI3it Ii1PROVF.M~N'f TAX DIS'I'S2IC'L <br />1d7:7'HIN 'Lklfi CI'LY L~[MITS OP TIIIi C:CPY <br />Or I.,ITTid? CAt~'ADA <br />7'he fore~; ordi.nancc was du:l.y seconded t>y Co7.l.ova. <br />Ayes (4) Sca7.ze, Collova, 731esener, I'ahcay. <br />Nayes (0), <br />Ord:inance declared adopte<(. <br />Pa,n,e -7-- <br />