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~'IT l'lPJ'G;i <br />Ci_ty Counc:il. <br />June 26~ 19£;5 <br />Used Ccir i:lr. FaPiE~~y po~,inted out tl~~aC under current: ord~inance usocl car lots arc <br />Lots only al.lowed in C2-2 or F3-3 ioric:s and then oriLy wtt.h a condi.tional. <br />use permiC. <br />~~;e~nda <br />Ttcm No. 1.7 Patiey sCaced that he o~as not in f:avor of requirin;; that ti used car <br />1ot have ~~ repaie shop al.~o< Fahcy [el.t Chat Chi., would causc more <br />of a mess. 'Chis is ~ recomm<:~ndaC:i.on thae ~uas made by the Cic~9 Planner. <br />2~7r 37esener repoet:ed tlt~t th~, d3ultding Zn,peccor did i~oC feel thi.s <br />:is wP~at Ctie C:U:y wanCS to do as this ~~ou1d {'oircee major ~uLO repair <br />into B-3 areas. ~'1so, Che 7Suildin~ :Cns~>ect.oc i_, su<iest::i.m~; th2l e <br />cerCain amount oE square fooCa~;e be- required £~or each used car. <br />?4rs. Sculze poitii.:e¢ out th~C C.he Ctty coulct get ~i Lot of usacl csir lots <br />r~~,iLhout any oi.ii.lclings. 'Ch~is wi11 not };enc.ia[~ any Laxes f.or Che Ci.ty. <br />Scalre yues~ioned cahy otller r.equire a new car dealersh~ip i.n <br />conjuncCi.on otiCl'~ used cae' <br />Pxl~iey sCated ChaC hc w~s opposed to requ~i.ring new c~ar sailes azlonb <br />w.ith used car s~les. i;leser~er poi.ntect out that ther.<~~ rioC enoup;Li <br />roo~n in the C~ity '1ef.t for a new cac• clealership. <br />fllesener f:elt Chat Cha Ci.ty shoul.d requ~.ire pavi.n€; of ~.ised ctir lots <br />and. a ce,rCain of square footage oE paved are<i per used car. <br />Nlrs. Scal.ze stat.ed that. tl~ie Counei.l. has Co clec.~ide i.P iC is Go:ire,y, to <br />a11.ow ~~a former house to be set u~~ ~is a used car ].ot witl~i cars around <br />ik:. i~4r. I'ahey siaced tllat C.his not bolher h?m, but he is wi.llin; <br />to l.isten t:o anj suggestions. <br />i~irs. >calze suggesC.ed that perh2ps there should be a requi.remeut Chat <br />a used aar 1ot cannot be withi.n so many feeC oP ~ r~siden[ia1 <br />aeea~, Sc<xlze po~.inted out the County Road C siren und sug~ested a fi.g;ure <br />oP 500 f-cet, <br />Fahey st2ted that a resideti~CL~zl home next co a commerc~.ia1 area i.s a <br />problem. Scal.ze st<ated that tk~ere ar.e uses in a arezi Chat <br />arc not objecCi.onable nex[ Co, <br />Scealze ielC t.hat a tax sCandpoint, che CiCy sho~il.d h~ve a raCio <br />of interior d:i;plziy space. <br />Fir. }3leserner f'e1t LhaC pavi.n~; wou].d improve. appearances. Pahey <br />sCated thaC he was ~igreeable to paving rand a requirement oE so m~riy <br />(ee.t fro~n res~idenC,ial propcrcy. <br />P~ir. F,ile,cnEr su,~~+f.ested Ci~at Chere be 3°0 squalie (.ceC requ:ired p2r ctii:'. <br />'Phis will prov~,tde for a~t0 co 45% covera;;e of. the pn~ied area. (:ri.Ctman <br />sCar_rd tl~iat ~ Cypical parl.inp, 1ot. has 320 squrzre £eet: per K>art<in~, ,pace. <br />F~hey poi_nted out. tha[ Che hoi.~rs of operaCi.on wi_11 be coveecd by Che <br />c.on<Lition~~l. use pc~rmi.t. <br />Pa~e -17- <br />