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i11NU'I'ES <br />Ci.Cy Counci.l <br />June 26, ].985 <br />Used Car: Nlr. ~2hey statrd Cha[ therc a~r.~e rio v~c.anC buildin~s on Ri.ce Street <br /> (Cont.) and su~;~;esCed th~aC the Counc:i.1 l.eave the maC.ter of' bui.ldi.n~s out, <br />i%Ir. C;x.•~i.ttmari poinCed o~it that a build:i-rig coulct burn down. 'AhE I'lannE~r <br />poi_nced out that Che C_ity has e mi.nimum o.f J.,000 square feet <br />no.~ foc bu~ildinf;s. The Ci.Cq coulcl requ:ix~e. a ~ecnianent of.C:i.ce l~~uilclin~. <br />P~hey sCaced that he was in favor of tlte rec~u,ira.meric of~ a per~manc:nt <br />of.f,ice buildi.n~, p~lving, and m:i_nienum d~istancc requi_remenC. <br />'I'he Clerk a,tced i_f' ehe Coune:il. was lall<ing ai>ouL zonecl <br />areas, or res~ident:ial buildi_ngs. F~ahey repli.f:d CnaC he was talki.nb <br />abouL rcesi_dent:i.tal.l.y zon~~,d ~>roperCy. Pahey also felt that a <br />oL 200 ,ieeC ~oould puC Che car I.ol. at: le~sC C~ao ].ots eicoay. <br />'f.t~e Cl.erlc poinced oi,ic chae f3udge.t AuCO i.s onl.y asi.ris, about a c~uar-ter <br />of thE~ lot< 1?ahey su;gested tP~at ~he C~ity r;o by Che dis~~~lay area. <br />'I'i~ie PJ.anner poi.nCect ouC. Chat t.hE~ lo[ ~aould tiave L.o submit a s~.i.t_e; pl~in. <br />P'(r. Collova P.e1k Ch2t l~ndscap:ing should be Council £e1t <br />that: noC just sod, buC ~l~o plaint~i.ngs shoUld be a requi.remenC. <br />~lr. 'Caliey asked i.f the ordinance c.ould be adopt~d a~~id exi.sti.n~~ businesses <br />made to comply. The Ci.ty ntGOrney replied ti~at t:hey coulci wiChin a <br />eeasonable e~mowu o{ t:imc. <br />P-[es. Scalze stated that surroand:i.nn commun~.iti_E~s only al`toca used cars <br /> new cars. Sca7.zc f~1C that a new car dealership ~aoul.d be an <br />asseC to the cormnunit:y. <br />l~~.ihey Lc1t that iF Che lot, caere pev~~~> landscaped, tiad a[. l.east a 1,000 <br />;qi.iat'e Loot bui_ldi~~ ancl arc l.oc.ated ~zway fro,~i residencial pr.operCy, <br />he was al;reeabl.e. <br />Sca~Lze ,teited thaC she was oppose~l becluse Cmx revenue. would not be <br />gcnerated. <br />Mr. Collova aske.d i.; Che nurn~er of u5~d car licenses be <br />limited. <br /> felt that Cax reveitue shoul.fl be consi.derecL Clt. 3?ak~ey Le1C <br />it was not the Council.'s ;job e.o mzximi_re Che eimounC oL t:~x do7.lars <br />~eneratecl from e.very pi.ece of pro,~ert:y< Pahey poi.nted ouC ChaC these <br />busi.nesses o~i_11 be the commercial race. <br />Scalze stated chat she ~aould l.ilce Co see i.ised caz s~le, in conjuncCion <br />raitF~ new car.~s and that the used car lots i.n t:.he C1.ty co~il.d <br />be <;randf;athered i.n. <br />P4r. Collova comment,ed Chat the: ma:i.n thorouehLaces i.n Che Ci.tq are. not <br />seC up Co brl.n~; ~in nevi cer" <br />Page -15- <br />