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,4INU'L'FS <br />CiYy Councl.l <br />June ~6, 1985 <br />Dei;ace/ Mt~.RoberL DeT3ace ~ppe~rEd before tkic Council. approva7. oi <br />Zi.lge Che DeBace/?~ii~;e l~lzi[. and ap~~>r.ov~l. to corts[ruct a AO t:oot by 7.00 fooc <br />Pl.a~~ on Che bacLc port:ion of: pr.oposed Lo[. ].. <br />Agend~l Mrs. Scalee pointeci out ChaC thc Plani~ee' has ind~icated t1i~C under <br />Item No. ].0 Cod.e an accessory bui].d:i.n~ cannot: be lar~er th~n 30% oE thc f>rinciple <br /> bu-ildi.r~; on a Xnropert:y. <br /> Mir. 1?aViey asked ~ahy "ir. DeEace was not. of Chi5 Code r.equ{.r'ement <br /> until toriigi~iC's meetin£;. ~°[c. Pahey ~Ec1C: ehac the mat:.ter hzs noC bc;en <br /> kiandled prop~a-ly and cecei.ving Ch-is'i aC Ctiis point 1n tlie <br /> process a.s noL fa~ir to Che develope~r. <br /> Mr. DeBace ~~o~i.nCed ~~ut tkiae at the last meeti-no the Counci.l. -indi.cuted <br /> a wil].ingness to approv~=., a second bui.] i.f. the Cwo <br /> bei.n~; discussed were canbined. <br /> ?ir. Pai~cy po~i.nted out tPiaC ~.f.L Che property wer.e rezoned Pilll, tlien <br /> Che second could be z~pprovecl< <br />N(r.. DeBace commented thaC ~apital City G1~x°~s needs Che extsa space <br />and Pic has compli_~d witJ~i the rec.ommendations made by Chcr. Co~u~~c:il. at. <br />tlie l.aet meetl.n,;, Dei3ace requested tl~iat a vnriance be approvcd f'or <br />c.onstruct~ion of~ a second bul.l.dirif; on Cl,ie proper.Cy. <br />Mrs. Scalze y~ointed out Chst:. tite C~i.ty compo~.mded tLie ~~roblem when i.t <br />al.l.owed i~1r> DeBace t:o bui.l.d on an outloc l.n the: f;i_rst place. <br />De:l3ace poin~ect o~rt that he is„ t:he prope>,rty as thc; Counci.l <br />,ut;~esced. I;el3ace requestcd tl~~aC che: properCy d1.~iisi.on be approved <br />~~nd I~ie be gi.ven pecmission to bui.ld tPie second, <br />Pahey poi.nted out that Che Cou~~~cil. rejected Ctie Lir.sC k~roposal for a <br />PUl) because the Counci'L cli.d not lil,<e Che fact: Chcit the lots were r~ot <br />cornbi.ned. ~ow ~1r. lleBacc i.s wi.1l.i.n;; to the l.ots. Pahey as!ced <br />if Che Council was to grant a 1'UD on the ~~r.o~r_rCy to allow <br />Che two bu~i_1.dings sis proposed. <br />hlxs. Sca].ze comn~ented that [he Counci.l mi.isL: be~ consisCent in :it, <br />Cr.ettt_meitt. o[ ci.t:i_zens, <br />Co1.lova pointed that tPze propErty is acljacent to ~i YUD area. <br />Scalze staCed that. khat arca caes declared a 7?lID bect.ii.i,e i.t was <br />devel.ope-d bef.ore the ordi~~iance was ~i-n ptace and thc ~rea w,~s a mess. <br />Scal.ze st~t:ed that ~i.t the City a1.lows t~~ro btcildi.ngs on che one pi.ece <br />of: propert:y, the C:ounci.l. woul.d have no basi.s Co refuse & request:s <br />:in the futur<~:. <br />'Cl2e Gity ACtorney sCat_ed that the City Counci.l could approve the two <br />builctJ.ngs iF the properCy were re~oned YIJD. <br />I'ah~y s~~.~ted th~t: he has n~ prob~lem with PUD becai.ise Out:lot D <br />~i_s pznt:. of: Ryan Industrial Pae'!~ zincl i.s currenCl.~ ~oned PIJD. I'ahey <br />pot.nCed ouC tl~~e narroG~ness ot' the properCy ancl clr_pt_h. F~Riey <br />P~ine --£S- <br />