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MINU7'ES <br />Ci.ty Counc.i.l. <br />June 26, 19F35 <br />DeBace/ &Cated that Y.I~ere cvls no oCL~ier wny to develop the bucLc of Chi.s ~roperCy< <br />7i.].~;e Plat tah~y pointed out ti~i.it_ i9r. Dexlice shoul.d ltavc; becn told Lhat kie <br />(Cont.) could noC put 2 second buildin~.; of thc si.ze he plans on the property <br />f:rom Clie begi.itni.rtn, <br />P-trs. Scnlz~-~ st~t:ed ChaC i.P a PUD ~is approved tor the propeety, any <br />homeoraner ~i.n the could reque;c PUD zon~ing and put anoCher kiouse <br />on Che baclc of t:Fie~ir 1ot=s. Scalze , r,~uestioned whaC assurane.e the <br />Ci_ty has that the second buildin~ woutd have th~e sanie use as ti~~e <br />principle buildins,;. <br />t9s~. DeTS~ice re~~oeted t:haC h¢ is enter:in~; into a parcha,e agr-e~;m~nt f.~or <br />thc second bui.l<lin, wiCl~ Gapittil City Gl.ass. <br />i'ahey felt the~t. Che City's bus:i.ness pirogram ~aoi.ild t:h:is, <br />Scalze a>tc~d ~if tt~e absCract could be note<i i.n such ~i way Co ensure <br />the tl~~e second bui_ldi.n~ ~aoul.d have the s~me use ~is the <br />b~iilclino. Scalze noted Chat the C1.Cy does not lcnow whaC u~i11 happen <br />ioiCh r:i seco~d bui.l.ding such as thi, i.n ten year's t.ime. <br />~Ir. L~ahey poi.need out that T.he Cil:y granted Pet:erson ~[~i_nCenance a <br />bullding permi.t for a second ucal.ze poi.nCed out. that <br />1'eCerson Mai.ntenancc has a].ot o[ ,[ront:. Lootage so that the property <br />coi.iLd be sp7.:i.t i.n the fuCurc. <br />d5r.. Pahey noted Chat it wi.ll Ct~ke f.our vot<-~s of Che Counci.'1 <br />to ap~>rove PllD zonii~ig Eor Lot l. <br />iir. Joe Doocly, representin~ Mr. 'l,ilf;e, ~ippeared bef.ore tlie Co~mc:i.l and <br />stated tLiaC i~Ir. 7il~;e ~aould lilce to get the plat expedited, but doe, <br />not want to ho'Ld up ~~[r. De't3ace iit any way. Uoody asked iE the proper.tq <br />i.n question could be. added to Outlot D so thac it'. becornes a parC oi <br />the Ityan ZndusCrial Park PUD. <br />."Ir. )7~hey aslced if; the Council. wanCe~! to approve 1 PllD for ChE pr.oposed <br />Lot 1, <br />idrs. Sc~lze commented CI~aC she d:id not .feel. t1'iat I'lJD zon:i.n~; should be <br />used ~in order to get around CP~ie ordi.i~ance and to get a litCle more tlian <br />a devel.oper wo~ild norma~lly ~et:. Sc~ii.ze seated that fe1C i9r. Del3ace <br />sk~~ou,ld h~ve been not:if:i_e<1 by the Planner of Ch~ error b~~f:ore tonight's <br />meetin};. <br />Sc.:ilz~ also po~inCecl ouC tk~at t_he Ci.Cy ha, turned do~an si.m~iletr requests <br />because rhey d:Ld not haae the necessarq lot t.`~-~ntag~:.. <br />t7r. Fcihey aslcecl iS Che use o~f thc POD o~oul.d avoid Che r~eces,i.Cy Lor <br />sp~~i.nkl.erin~; the hu:i.Ldirit;. ~~[r. DeBace repJ.i.ed th2C he i.s inakinp., provisi.on <br />to i>ring water to Che proper.ty for sprinlclcrin;;. <br />Pa}.;c' -9- <br />