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MINVCPS OI' TkIG RE;GULAR .1L6TING <br />CITY COUPICTJ, <br />L,:[T'f.LF: CANADA, i4INNlSO'CA <br />July 24, 19fl5 <br />1?ursuant t:o due czill and noticc~~ thereof a regular meeting of the <br />Gouncil oI the City ot LiCtle Canada, Minnesota cuas hel.d on the <br />24Ch day ot ,Tuly, 19f35 i_n the Council Chambers oP the' Ci.ty Center. <br />located at 515 LitCle Canada Road iri sai,d CiCy. <br />Mayor Mi.chael Fahey ch~xired the meeting and cal.lecl iC Co orcler at <br />7:30 P.M. and the f:oLlowing members were present at roll call: <br /> MEt413~RS I?RESI'sNT: Mayor Mr. Michael Pahey <br /> Councilman Mr. Cdill.iam tSlesener <br /> Counc:ilman Mr. Collova <br /> Councilwoman Mrs. Mugs Nardini <br /> Councilwoman Mrs< :Ueverly Scal.ze <br /> ALSO PREStiN'P: City Clerk Mr< Joseph Chlebeclc <br /> CiCy ACtorney Mr, T'homas Sweeney <br /> I:ngineer Nfr. Donald Carley <br /> InspecCOr Mr. Ilud Nagovsfcy <br /> Ci.Cy Planner Mr. Steve Gritt:man <br /> Recordin~ Secretary Mrs. Kathleen Gl.anzer <br />Approval Mr. 1'ahey indi.cated Chat on page 12, second par agraph from tk~e bottom <br />Of 'Che of. the Ju1y 10 meeting, the mi.nut es should read: Pahey stated <br />Minutes thaC "based on the discussion and rea sons given ,".., <br />Agenda Mrs. Nardini i.ntroduced the following resolutio n and moved its adopti.on: <br />ICem No< 3 <br /> RESOLU'PION N0. 85-7-355 - APP ROVING Tt~IP <br /> MINUTES OL' '.CIIG JULY 10, 1.985 COUNCIL <br /> MGI:TING WI'f.t~l Tkl~ OU TLIN'GD COR RliC'fION <br />The Loregoin~ resolution was duly seconded by Mr. Collova, <br />Ayes (5) Nard:ini., CoLlova, Pahey, Scalze, 131esener. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resoluti.on declared adopted. <br />This resolution appears in Resoluti.on Floolc No< 12, Yage 360. <br />I-P Mr. Fahey reported that the Counci.l has befor.e it in ordinance form <br />Di.stricC the vlrious concepts of tlie I-P llistrict, The Council. feels thaC this <br />ordi.nance meets the desires o£ the property owners and neighborhood <br />Agenda as were voicec! at worl<shop meeti.ngs with the cotmcil. <br />Item No. 4 <br />Pahey stated that basically the land will remain i.ndustriall.y zoned, <br />but ~vith a new designation of I-P. Fahey wen[ on to explain the <br />various permitted uses, condiCional uses, controls for open and <br />outcloor storage, lot size r.equirements, and building re~~quirements <br />as covered i.n the proposed ordinance. <br />Page -1- <br />