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mz~u~~s <br />City Counci.l <br />Ju1y 24, 1985 <br />I-P 'I'hc Clerk reported that Che Council has already adopted the ordi.nance. <br />District The purpose of the is to rezone the property to conform <br />(Cont.) the I-P Distri.ct. <br />Mr. U~ave asked the difference betcoeen the I-P zoning and <br />L-I zoninp,. T9r.. 1?ahey expla:i.ned that i.t ~is stil.l. i.nc9usCrial, <br />but Uuilding requirements are di.LferenC. I'ahey commented Chat some <br />of.' the concerns of Che property owners in the ar.ea was that thi.s <br />area not turn into another Ryan Industriai Also, there was <br />concern that thi.s not become an area cvith a deal of outdoor <br />storage. <br />Mr. Iilesener poinred out that under thc I-P zoning anyChinq; that is <br />currently in the Yorl<ton site would be allowed. Pahey also poi.nted <br />out ,ome of the i.ndustrial parlcs in Vadnais Flei.phts that would comply <br />oriCh Chis T-Y zoniiig. Fahey Lelt Chat f;iven the close proxi.mity oL <br />LiCtle Canada Co St. Paul and Minneapolis, the property owners should <br />have no problem developing thei.r property with I-Y zoning. <br />Mr. }(yland asked the effect this zonin~ would have on taxes. P4rs. <br />Sc11ze pointed ouC that the City has put no restricti.ons on roads or. <br />streets for the area. I.~ahey stated that roads and sCreets will not <br />be put zn by Che C:i.ty unless the City is pet.itioned to do so. <br />Theretore, the new aoning shouLd have no eflecC on Caxes. <br />Mr. 7~lylanr.l was concerned thaC stucr.o was noc allowed tmder the I-P <br />2one. Mr. Pahey pointed out that stucco is al.lowed up to 25% oL Che <br />Uuil.ding exter.ior, <br />llyland pointed out that under. Che ordinance a block could not <br />be constructed thaC was covered 100% with sCUCCO. Mr. Faheq agreed <br />Chat this was true. <br />Mr. Coll.ova po:inted ouC t:hat the feeling oL the Council was that i.f. <br />100% stucco was allowed, that is what Che City would get ancl there <br />would be no brick Uuildings in the area. <br />Mrs. P]ardini commented that thi.s point was di.scussed and it was a <br />give and take situati.on on the part of the Council. <br />Mr. Fahey stated that the Counci.l is emphasis on the highest <br />quality of tllat the City can get i.n thi.s area, <br />Mr. Dupree poi.ntect out that under th~i.s ordi.nance, pre-cast concreCe <br />would not be allowed as o~ell as engineered steel buildi.ngs masonry <br />or brick ln the front. <br />Dupree also E~ointed ouC that he k~as a small piece of:' ~roperty ancl the <br />setbactcs allowed under Che ordi.nance would talce 45% of hi.s pr.oper.ty. <br />Pa~e -2- <br />