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rTZNU~rras <br />City Counc:il <br />July 24, 19£25 <br />St. Johr~'s TO Bli HGLD AUG[JS'L 3 AND 4, 19t35 CON7'INGIGNT <br />Festiva7. UPON SUI3MISSION OP SA'PISI~'ACTORY PROOP OF DRAM <br />(Cont.) StIOP INSURANCT COVERAG}: <br />'fhe Loregoing resolut~ion was duly seconded by Mr. I31.esener. <br />Ayes (5) Pahey, 131esener, Scalze, Collova, <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolution declar.ed adopted. <br />This resolution appears i.n I2esolution f3oolc No. 1.2, ]?age 371. <br />Canadian P4r. Pahey reporCed thaC last year tlte Ci.Cy's i.nsurance company provicted <br />Days llram Shop insurance coverage for these var:ious organizations being <br />Dance & di.scussed as a r.i.der on the City's insurance poLicy and at no cost. <br />13eer Pahey stated that he woul.d conr_act t):e insurance company r.igain thi.s <br />Permit year to see :if the same arr.angement couLcl be made. <br />Agenda Mr.. I31e,enc:r int~ro ducecl the f:o] resolution and moved its adoption: <br />Addition <br />I21:SOLlJITON N0. 85-7-367 - AYPROVING A UANCE AND BEEf.t <br />PEI2MII.' T'OR THL CANADIAN DAYS C~LliSSRA'CION 'TO BP HELD <br />ON AUGUST 9, 10, 11, 19II5 CON'LINGPNT UPON SUBySSSIO~ <br />OP SATISI~ACTORY PROOP OF DRAM SP10P INSURA~CE COVERAGr <br />7'he foregoin~ resolut~ion was duly seconded by Mr.. L'ahey. <br />Ayes (5) illesener, Pahey, ScaLze, Col.lova, Nardini> <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolution declared adoptecl. <br />'Lhi.s resolution appears in Resoluti_on IIook No. 12, page 372. <br /> Mr. k3lesener introduced the f:o ll.owing reSOluCion and moved its adopt:ion: <br />Uays <br />Recreat:ion RESOLUTION N0. F35-7-36£3 - APPROVING A S1EliR PIi13MIT <br />Association POK 'L'I~IG RECREATION ASSOCIATION POR 'ClIL UA'PE6 OP <br />)3eer Permit AUGUST 9, 1.0, 11, 19t35 CON1'.[NGGNT U}.'OP1 SUf3P1ISStON <br />OF' YROOP Ol' DRAM S}IOP IN9lJRANCI; COVERAG~ AND WITH <br />Ay,enda TH~ RP.,COMCSGNDATION TkiAT TfIGY NOT OPP~R A 73PIiR TROPHY <br />Addition <br />'Pl~ie foregoing resol.ution was duly seconded by Mr. Pahey. <br />Ayes (5) I3lesener., l~ahey, Collova, Scalze, Nardini.. <br />Vayes (0). <br />Resolu[i.on ctecl.ared adopted. <br />Thi.s resolution a~pears in ResoLution t3ook No. 12, Pa~;e 373. <br />Page -15- <br />