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MINU7'GS <br />City Council <br />July 24, 19£~5 <br />Canadian Thc~~ Canadian Uay, CommiCtee has appLi.ed f.or a Lire worlcs permit for <br />Days August 11, 19£35. 'fhe Ci.Cy noted that the City has recei.ved <br />Pise Slorlcs a letter from a proper.ty owner concerning the wor.ks displ.ay <br />Perm:i.t: durin~; Canadian Day. <br />Agrnda nr. 131esener i.ntroduced the follow:in~; resolution and moved its adoption: <br />Addition <br />R~SOLUTION N0. 85-7-369 - APPROVING A I'~IR1: <br />[10RKS PF;I2MTT L'OR TIII? CANADIAN DAYS C1;LL;IIRATION <br />P'Oti AUGUST 11, 1985 CON'1'INGENT UT'ON PROOT OF <br />SA'LISFACTORY INSURANC~ COVF.RAG3: AND THAT ADLQUATli <br />MP.ASURI:S ARE 7AKEN 'T'0 PROTECL HOM~OWNERS IN 'LHF, <br />AREA AND ALTEItNATIVP, SITES CHOSEN WITI{ R~GARD "1'0 <br />WIND DIRTCTION <br />The f:oregoing resol.ution was duly seconde<I by Mrs. Nardini.. <br />Ayes (5) Blesener.~ N~r.dini~ Paliey, Collova, Scalze. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resoluti.on decLared adopted. <br />Thisr esolution appears i.n ResoluCion F3ootc No. 1.2, Page 374. <br />Assessment The City Clerk repor.ted that the County has made an error in the appl~ication <br />ReimUur.sement of assessments. Theretore, Uani.el tluot i.s due a rei.mbursement of $944.67_. <br />[lgenda Mrs. Nar<lini. introduced Che fol.lowi.n~ resolution and moved its adoption: <br />Addit.ion <br />[2I:SOLiJTION N0. 85-7-370 - AYPROVING TH~ RI;SMI3URSliKPN'I.' <br />OP ASSESSMk:N'PS IN 'CIIL' AP40UNT OP ;8944.67_ 'f0 MR. <br />DANIEL IIUOT llUL' 'TO AN GRKOR 73Y THF COUN7'Y IN <br />TH~ APPLIGATIOV OT% 'l'kIESE ASSESSMIiNTS <br />The resolution was duly seconded by hfrs. icalze, <br />Ayes (5) Nardini, Scalze, I'ahey, CoLlova, 131esener> <br />Nayes (0). <br />ResoLution declared adopted. <br />Thi.s resol.ution :~ppear.s r.n Iiesolution Book No. 12, Page 375. <br />Marlc's Prop The City has recei.ved an appl.icati.on for a Uusiness license f.or Mark's <br />Skiop Prop Shop to be located on Rice Street. <br />T3usi.ness <br />Li.cense p1r. Coll.ova i.ntroduced the fol.l.owin~ resoLuti.on and moved its adopt:i.on: <br />Agenda R~SOZ,UTION N0. 85-7-371 - APYROVING A BUSZNESS <br />Addi.Ci.on I,ICI:NSli POR i'IARi<'S PROP S}IOP 'L'0 I3G LOCATED IN <br />'Ptlli I~TII 13UILDING ON RICE S7'RP:,PT <br />page -16- <br />