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MINU7.'I;S <br />City coiutcil. <br />July 24, 1985 <br />Marfc's Prop 'Chc foregoing resolution w,.ts duly secondecl by itrs< Scalze. <br />Shop (Cont.) Aqes (5) Co1.lova, Scalze, I~ahey,, lllesener. <br />Nayes (0). <br />ResoLuti.on declareci adoped. <br />'Lhis resolutio~t appears in ResoluCion Bool< No. 12, Yage: 376. <br />Cana<iian Days Mr. Pahc~y reported that the Canadian Dzys Comm:i.ttee has requested that <br />Poli.ce the CiCy donate ~500 to the Police Auxil.iary for the Sheri.ff <br />Protection Department's services in patrolling cluring Days. <br />f~genda Mrs. commented that this i.s to come from the biulget Che City <br />Addi.tion €;:i.ves to Uays each year, Scalze stated that she clisagreed <br /> an acldi.tional $500 to Days. <br />I'ahey fel.t that pol:ice protection was a function of the City. Pahey <br />reporCed that. the ComrniCt:ee uses its CiCy budgeC Lor pi.iblic relaCi.ons <br />arid eiclvertising. <br />Scalze corrimented c1~at thi.s is what: the bud~et was foc the firsc <br />years of: Canad:ian Uays. l~owever, afCer a few years, the Ci.ty decided <br />to cut the budget baclc and clecided Chat the remaining budget w~s Co ba <br />userl for police protecti.on. <br />Fahey stated tk~~e he felt it a worthwhile f.unction and pointed out that: <br />this year Chere w:ill be more police patrollinn. 'Chere is no charge <br />forthc police servi.ces, but the Sherif£'s Deplrtment woul.<I ].ilce a <br />donati.on to their Auxil~.iar.y Pi.ind. <br />The CiCy Clerk deterrnined that the Cana<tian llays bud~et £or 1985 as <br />provi.ded by the City ca~s $1,000. <br />Scalze sug;ested that the recor.ds be researched as she was sure that <br />thi.s subjecC Itac( been di.scussed <lucin~; budget time. <br />Mrs. Neirdini st~ted that she was in f.avor. of the donati.on as there wi11 <br />be a lot mare police patrolling an~l Chis is ~ohat has been needed i.n the <br />past. <br />Pahey fe1C it the obligati.on oE the Qi.ty to provide poli.ce protection <br />regardless of whether tkie sponser. cloes. <br />Counci.l tabled the matCer at th~is poi.nt to allow the clerk i:o research <br />the record. <br />Lamc~~tti. ~[rs. reported that L,ametti. ConstrucCion has not been noti.fying <br />On County the Ci.Cy as to their location on County Road 3-2. 7'his was a request <br />Road I1-2 made Uy Che City in order to lceep the Sheriff's Department and Pire~ <br />DepartmenT. i.nformed as to access i.nCO the area. <br />Yage -17- <br />