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07-24-85 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
07-24-85 Council Minutes
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MINU'TliS <br />City Council. <br />July 24, 1985 <br />I-P T'he second item of: concern was Che outdoor storage. Griggs felt Chat <br />Di.strict 75% oF the bui.].ding was too restrictive. Griggs felt that this issue <br />(Cont.) shouLd be handled under a condiCional use permit F~rocess. 'Lhi.s wi11 <br />give the Counci.l. the opportunit:y to loolc at ouCdoor ,troage. Griggs <br />stated that there may be some areas where the C~ity coould not want <br />any outdoor storage, and others where the City i.s to allow a <br />l.i.ttle more. <br />Mrs. Scalze pointed out that i.f Chis were handl.ed und~r a conditional <br />use perinit process, the City would have very little bas:i.s to turn <br />a request down. <br />Pahey i_nEormed Mr. Griggs thaC the Council discussed this zCem at <br />length the Ci.ty Attorney and if. an applicant said that he would <br />meet the requirements of tkie ordineince, the City would have no legal <br />basis to deny the request. <br />Griggs stated that the ordinance would define what is allowed and whaC <br />is not allowed. <br />Fahey stated that under the ordinance outdoor st:orage i.s allowed by <br />conc(itional iise permit. <br />Grigos staCed that for a large loC and a,mail building, very little <br />outdoor stora~e woulcl be al.laaed uncier the ord:inance. <br />Scalze pointed out that the Oity has adopted Appendi.x l and felt that <br />some peopl.e may bui.ld smaller buf.lclings to get around spri.nlclering <br />requiremenCS. Scalze stated that smaller buildi.ngs with a lot of <br />outdoor stora~;e are not in the best interests of: the CiCy as not <br />much tax revenue is generatecl and there is a f:ire protecti.on proUlem, <br />Scalze pointed out that Che CiCy i.s interested in a quali.ty industrial <br />park developing with larger bui.Ldings and less outdoor storage. <br />Scalze commented that Ryan Industrial P~rtc has unl.imited outdoor <br />storage. Scalze stated that this area, CenCerville Road area, i.s <br />surrounded by homes and the Ci.ty wants Co protect them as we11. <br />Griggs poi.nted out that their property is located under Che pocoer <br />lines. ScaLze pointed out that within the past six months NSP has <br />granted a bui.ldi.n€; permit Co a property under the power lines i.n <br />Litt7.e Canada. <br />The properCy owner reporCed that he has spolcen witlt NSP and they ar.e <br /> as to whaC goes i.n under the pocaer lines. Scalze stated <br />chat the building recently appr.oved i.s a metal bui.ldin~;. <br />Mr. Collova asked what NSP wil.l alloco under Che lines. The property <br />owner repl~ied that proposals have to be submitted to NSP. NSP i.s <br />also very coricerned about fi.res. NSP :i.s getting more restrictive all <br />the time. The property owner requesCed that the City give him more <br />Llexi.bil.ity wiCh his proper.ty. The orda.nance does not ~;ive the £lexibility <br />thaC he neects. <br />Pa~e -4- <br />
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