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MINUTES <br />Ci.ty Council <br />July 24, 19II5 <br />I-P Mr> Griggs fe1C that their pr.operLy was unbuildable under this <br />District ordinance. The property owner pointed out tha :increased cost the <br />(Cont.) City was on a developer. by r.equiring brick versus stucco. <br />Mr. Gri.ggs pointed out that tip-up panels were not allowed under <br />the ordinance ras well as some very high quality building materials. <br />P1rse Nardini asked it solid coa ll, masonry would include pre-cast <br />concrece. The I3uilding T.nspeceor r.eplied that i.t would noc as <br />i.n pre-cast concrete there i.s a f.oam cor.e and it is not a solid wa11. <br />Gr:iggs stated thaC a lot ot materi.als have a core for insulation. <br />Grig,gs also reported thaC they would need a var:iance on outdoor <br />storage. Gri~;gs stated that their storage woul.d be clean but they <br />woul.d need more t=han 75% of the building. Gri.ggs sCated that NSP <br />can be as arbitrary and as i.t wants in allowing <br />under the power lines. <br />Scalze stated Chat she would have to see something i.n wri.ting Erom <br />NSP staCing that they woutd not allow any buildirio under their power <br />] <br />Mr. Hyland commented that Che setbacks coould Cake away 50% of his <br />property. Scalze pointed out tihat no one has complained about the <br />setbaclcs at 40 feeC for front yard and 15 feet for a si.deyard. <br />Scalze stated t:hat the City canriot write an ord:inance to fiC the lon~; <br />th:in pi.eces of property in the area. Scal.ze poi.nted out that there <br />are no roadsin the area as yeC and that some of the Aroblems would be crased <br />wiCh some of the roads. <br />Ityland staCed that some of Che parcels are not 150 feet wicte. Pahey <br />repliect that the parcels would have t:o Ue combinecl, <br />Scalze stated that Chese parcels would have problems with any induslrial <br />zoning. <br />iir. DeLonais aslced the eastern boundary of the district. The Cl.erk <br />replied that currently it woulct run up to DeSoto, Pahey commented <br />that the Council wi11 brin~ t!~e issue of. a transitional. zone to the <br />I'lanning Commission. Thi.s will be the next issue addressed. <br />Mrs. Scalze commented Chat the CiCy cannoC have i.ridustr.ial traffic on <br />lleSoto. Pahey sCated thaC if DeSoto goes in and indusCrial [raffi.c <br />is not allowed, then the City wi11. not be able Co assess Che industx•ial <br />property for the sCreet. It would not be feasible to put in DeSoto <br />and only Ue aUle t:o assess one of Che street. <br />Nardini commenCed tl~at Che Ci.ty :is also waiting to see what might come <br />i.n as a proposal f.or the area. <br />Page -5- <br />