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Mz~vo~rrs <br />City Council <br />Ju1y 24, 19£35 <br />I--P <br />Uistrict <br />(Cont.) <br />P1rs. Nardini. i.ntroducecl t}ie fol.l.owing resolution and moved iCS adopCion: <br />ttliSOLUTION N0. f35-7-357 - APPROVTNG Tl~l~ <br />I2GIONT.NG PROM L-I `f0 I-P 'PtIE PROPER'fY <br />UNDER CONSIDPRA7'ION AS REPFiRRED 'I'0 IN <br />TI9B NOTICii OP' PUI3LIC HEARING <br />'I'he f:ore~;oing resoluti.on was ciuly secon<led by P1r.s. Scalze, <br />Ayes (5) Nardini, Scalze, I~lesener, CoLlova, Pahey. <br />Nayes (0). <br />ResoLution declared adopted. <br />This resoluCi.on appears in Resolution I3ook No. 12, .Page 362. <br />Mr. Slesener felt that the Council should look at the types of. buildin~ <br />materials a ll.owed. 131esener. poi.nted ouC that the Counci.l dic.l not intend <br />to eli.mi.nate pre-cast concr.ete. <br />Pahey £elt that aggref;ate panels or stone panel.s should be allowed. <br />Scalze asked iS the Ci.ty could say aggregate and not ;et.stucco. <br />Mr. Collova commented thaC ther.e are some inexpensive panels ChaC <br />are available. Collova axa not thi.nk t:he CiCy could name every type <br />of panel that i.s, <br />'L'he Inspector pointed out: that: there are some pre-cast panels <br />Chat loolc just ].i.(ce stucco. However, the Inspector felt that: <br />an ex~~osed a~;~,regate panel looked better than a bloclc wa11. <br />~agovsky suggested that the ordinance just state aggregate panels and <br />cirop the ~oord "exposed". <br />Mr. l~ahey introduced the f.ollowing resoluCion and rnoved i.ts adopti.on: <br />RESOLU'I'ION N0. £35-7-358 - INS'LRUCTING 'LFIE <br />CZTY ATTORNEY TO REIJRAPT SEC'CION 915.060 D.l. <br />'I'0 TNCLUllE PRl-CAST CONCRIiTE AND AGGREGAT~ <br />PANEL,S AS CONS'TRUCTION hfA7'FRIAL <br />'The foregoin~ reso7.uCi.on was duly seconded by Mr< ColLova. <br />Ayes (5) Fahey, Collova, 131esener, Scalze, ~ardini.. <br />Nayes (0)< <br />Resoluti.on declared adopCed< <br />'fhis resolution appears in Resolution I3ook No. 12~ Page 363. <br />IL- was the Eeelin~ of the Council that ttte setbacl< r.equi.rements for <br />the ~I-P district should conf.orm to Chose ot the L-I district. <br />Page -7- <br />