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~1.r;u•ri~,s <br />Gity Counc:i.l <br />Jul.y 24, 19£~5 <br />I-p Mr. Griggs reported that tkiey would bc propos:iny, 4 princi.ple sCructures. <br />District P4r. Pahey reporT.ed thaC f.our structures are not allowed under the <br />(ConC.) ordi.nance i.f they are a11 the same s:i.ze. Pahey informed Gz•ig~s that <br />the ordi.nance a1lo~as one structure and an accessary <br /> that is not greater than 30% of Che principle ser.ucture. <br />Mr. Grittman a{;r.eed with Pahey's coinments. <br />The Ci.ty CLerlc pointed out that 4 buildings ~oould be a1l.owed with a <br />PUD. t4r. Pahey pointed out that the City just deni.ed a simi.lar <br />reyuest for Mr. De}3ace. Fahey stated that unless the ordinance i.s <br />changed, Che City sC~Lf. shoul.d not give people f.alse hopes that <br />this would be alloioed under a PUD, <br />Griggs pointect out thaC his oCher option would be to subdivide the <br />1ot and develop a roacl. <br />Fahey also pointed out that this pr.ovisiori i.s no d:i.f.f:erent that the <br />current ordinance. <br />Mr. llyland felt that the ordinance will make property unbuildablee <br />Pahey stated t:hat hc did not see Che property unless Che <br />property owners get together and combine their pr.operties. Fahey felt <br />i.t beLter for everyone if: they have a coordi.nated desi~n for the area. <br />Scalze i.nLormed P1r. I[yland that the City jusC went through thi.s in a <br />res:idential area. In that area the property owners hacl to ge[ together. <br />and work iC out. <br />Mrs. Nardini. introducect the Eol.lowing resoluti.on and moved i[s adoption: <br />RtiSOLlJTION N0. 85-7-356 - CLOSING 7'I(E PUI3LIC <br />I~ItiARING ON Tllli RI?`I,ONING I'ROP9 L-I 'LO I-P AS <br />PS'LAI3LISI{~D IN ORDINANCE N0. 256 <br />The forep, resolution was duly secondect by Mrs. Scalze. <br />Ayes (5) Nardini, Scalze, E4lesener~ Pahey, Collova. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resol.ution declared ~.idopted. <br />This resolution appears in Resolution F3oolc No. 12, Page 361. <br />Pahey asked if the Cowlcil couLd make changes in the ordinance tonight. <br />'Phe Attorney repli.ed Chat any changes m~de in the ordinance tonight, <br />coould not effect the Council's abili.ty to take action on the <br />Mr. I3lesener reported that he received a ca11 from Mr. and Mrs. Pasciana <br />who were concerned that the City r.ecently rezoned some property in thei.r <br />area from residential Co light i.ndustrial. }3lesener reported tl~at he <br /> them thaT. what is being proposed for thei.r area would Ei.t i.n <br />under Che I-P districC, Mr, Fahey stated that he r.eceived a call from <br />Che Pasci.ana's ezs well and told tkiem the same Ching Mr. I3lesener did. <br />Pa~e -6- <br />