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M:[NU7'PS OT TIIG SPPCIAL MEE'CING <br />C:['CY COIJNCIL <br />LS'CTLE CANADA, MINNGSOTA <br />August 6, 19£35 <br />Pursuant to due cali and notice thereof a special. meeCing of the <br />Council of the C~i.ty of Little Canad~a, Minnesota was held on the <br />6th day ot August, ].9f35 in the Council Chambers of the Ci.Cy Center <br />located at 515 L:ittle Canada Road in said City. <br />hlayor Mi.chael Pahey tl~e meeting and called it to or<ler aC <br />4:30 P.M. and the; members were present at roll ca11.: <br /> MEMt3tiRS PEZFSGNT: yayor Mr. Michael Pahey <br /> Councilman Mr. Wi1l.iam Blesener <br /> Councilm~n Mr, Riclc Collova <br /> Councilwoman Mcs, P1up,s <br /> Councilwoman P1rs. 13everly Scalze <br /> ALSO PRESTNT: City Clerlc Ptr. Jose:ph Chlebeclc <br /> InspecCOr Y4r. fiud Na~;ovsky <br /> Recording Secretary Mrs, Kathleen Glanzer <br />, 'Che purpose of Che special is to revi. ew a proposed ordinance <br />tk relatin~ to Li.lling and excavating. <br />I3xcavating <br /> 'The Buildin~; inspecCOr. renorted that Che orcli nance is patterned aFCer <br /> the UI3C. <br />Mrs. Nardini. pointed out that the ordi.nance lists as an exception <br /> in isolated, self-contained areas. asked i.f the <br />Ci.Cy had any such areas. Nardini. stated that thi.s excepCion bothers <br />her. and commented that the City wants to lm o~a what fillin~; and <br />excavating i.s going on in the City. <br />'Phe Auildin~; Inspector stated thaC such grading does not require a <br />permi.t, i.f the City f.eels that a permiC is nol Either the <br />~lui.lding Inspector or the Counci.l would maice this determinati.on. <br />Mr. Pahey f.elt that this language was too loose. <br />Mr. Nagovstcy also poinCed out that Lilling or excavating under ].OU <br />yards would be under his juri.sdiction and anything over lOv yarda woulcl <br />f.a11 under the Council's jurisdiction. <br />Mr. ISlesener pointed out that the proposed ordi.nance places more authoriCy <br />on the } ]:nspecCOr Chan the current ordinance does. 7'he currenC <br />ordinance r.equi.res Council acti.on on; or excavati.on of 75 yards <br />or more. <br />Mrs. Scalze asked who matces the determinati.on when must go <br />to t:he DNR or anoCher aF;ency. 'Che 14uildin~ Inspector replied that <br /> in the I.00 year Ilood level. would go to the DNR. <br />~ardini poi.nted out that anythi.n~; wi.thi.n 1,000 f:eet of a lake requi.res <br />1.5,000 to build. Nagovslcy pointed out that loCS already platted ar.e <br />grandfathered in. <br />Page -1_ <br />