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MTNU'Lf?S <br />Cit,y Council <br />Aus~;<2~, L9~15 <br />CarJ.son 'I"here was no one present arepreseriCing t:kie Carlson Auto Sa'Les matter, <br />tAt.ito iales <br />Ageanda <br />7tern No< 1.4 <br />Meta1 Mr, fllesener felt C,hat the Council shoul.d cl~iri.f.y its po,i.[:ion ort <br />Buil<li.ngs met11 buil.di.ri~;s for Ctie Pl.anner and $uil.ding Inspect.or. <br />(Cone.e) <br />~(s. fel.t that tl'ie position was no meCeil. buil.di.n~;s lti commercia'1. <br />or <br />Ntr. Pahey suggesCed that the Counci]. get soirie input at e ptib7.ic, <br />f,~ahey >uggesCed that metal,s mighC be atlowed by cond.~i.C.i_onRl <br />use perri~:it or under cect:.~in cond.itious, I'ahey aLso su~F;ested that <br />rnetal bui'ld~i.n~+s rn~ight be subjected Co the snme standlyds thaC are <br />out~l.i.ned :i.n thc I-P d:i_strict. <br />Ulesener staCed that he not i.n favor of t;alvanizecl or unfinished <br />steel bui.l.dings. A)so, Chere should t>e no metal. build:ings ovec 120 <br />square f~e~ al.loweed isi cesi.denti~t or busi.ness di.s[:r.i.cts, ];,7.esener <br />was in Eavor of ~ condi.tional use ~>ermi.t Co allow existing metal. <br />buildings to expand or add on, <br /> sa~;ge.sted th~t Che Coi.incil consider where Lhis might present a <br />problem, <br />1"ahey sCated that the (; shouLd no[ hold the industrinl area t.o hi.;her <br />standards than the other di.stricts, F'aheq suggested that t.he C-it.y <br />com;nents F.rom the Chamber of Commerce and the commercial buil.din;; owners. <br />Fa.hey s~zo~ested tt.i~t pechaps metal bi,i;i.ld-ing,s shoul.d be pr.ohib:iCed Erom <br />res-idenCial., coinmercial and 7.-P dist:a-i.ets< <br />Plard~ini. asked it a metal buildi.n~ hacl brick on CP~e outsicte if :it would <br />be too heavy for a property poor soils. 'LPie Planner di.d noC Ch:ink <br />so, <br />F31.esener Ee1t th~C tlle Ci.[.y shoul.<1 a beCCer grade oF. metal bui.l.ding <br />in Che i.ndusCri.a1 area arid not a11ow Che~u i-n the resi.dential or commercial. <br />di.stri.cts< <br />t~~1ro Pahey i.ntroduced the resoluT.ion and moved its adoptione <br />RCSOLUT]~.ON N0. ~;S-Ei--431. -- CALLING f~ Pl1iiLIC <br />1~IGARIDIG L'OlZ OCC0~3~~R 1_3 TO CONSIDT3S~ ES'CABLISHT.NG <br />~13[d }ATCI.,DID]G i'CA~?DAI2DS I''OK RPiTDI's~l"C~/1i., L~N'.i IStJSINIiSi <br />D:fS'PRI.CTS TO C0~lP013M 'CO 'CEIli 13UII,UIUG S7'AVDARDS <br />,CtECL;TPCLY ADOT'"Cf?D IN 7'IIP, I-S' P:(57'RIC'1' APID T'0 <br />CONSIDIi}2 t35'I'ABLISI~ISN6 F3UILi)SPIC ~1A'L'~i2~I:t1I, AND <br />DL;SIGi1 S'L'i1NDARDS It4 "CIIP! I,ICdtCr INDUSTRIAL <br />DTS'CRTCT 1'0~ 44P;7'AL IiiJILDINGi <br />P<age -76- <br />