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M7:NU`['Ii;S <br />cicy council. <br />Aug, 23, 19£35 <br />Metal 'Che £ore~oin~ resoluti.on c~as duly secon<led by Mr. Col.lova, <br />tlui.l.di.n~s pyes (S) I'mhey, Co1.lova, 711eserler, Nardini, Sc~ilze, <br />(Conc>) <br />Naqes (0), <br />Pesolution ~ecl.ared adoptect, <br />This resol.ut:i.on appeae~s in Resol.iit:lon 73001; Noo 12, Page 444< <br />Ruth &. Tha City Attorney reported f:haC tt~e C1.Cy can oet a conveyance of tkie <br />DemonC Ruth & llemont property a use resCricCion< However, w:i.thi_n f~ive <br />}.'.troperty year~s ttie City must demonst:rate the use o£ the propertye <br />A;end~i c4s. aslced if. tlie 1'arlc Gommissi.on was inCer.estec( i.n a C:ot. lot <br />Ii.:em Vo< 7_7 on Che proper~yo Mr< Col.l.o~~a poi.nted ouC that in the past people <br />have been oppo>ed to tot l.ots or playgro w~d> in their neis;hborhood>, <br />Scal.ce stated thart >he could brino Chis iip to the Park Commi.saion< <br /> Fahe.y fe1C Ckiat: tlie Aecor.ney should i_ndi.cate to Che County tnet <br />the City intends to use the property for open space and/or. ~i tqt. 1.oC <br />or nei.gtlborhood parlc. T'atley feLt chaT the City shoul.d get t.he propert:y <br />deeded over to it before it: ho1.c~Is a Publ.i.c. on nei.gP~borhood <br />feeli.n~;s f.or a par{c. . <br />7'he. At:torney suggested tt~at thr City could cel.L Che County Chat it is <br />loolcing at: tkie properCy foc park purposes rxnd it wi.1.1 get badc eo the <br />Coi.inty in 30 days. <br />~1rse felt. that the property was nice ,for some t.r.ees or park <br />benches, but. not a t:oC J.ot as DemonC i.s such a busy s[:reeC, <br />Mr< Coll.ova asked the cost of Che property reconveyed to the <br />City< i~fs, repl.~i.ed that it on~ly i.nvolved Che legal. fees, <br />i'-9r. Fahey sug~;ested that ~1rs. Scalze the rnetter to t:he Parlc <br />,ion and the AC[orn~y could tindicate to the County that: the <br />Ci.i:y i.s i.nCCSested in the ~roperty f.or. open space and/or a toC lot <br />or neighborhood park, <br />Ba:Llfields ~r, Pahey reporCed tP~aC Che At:torney i.s xvorking on Chc purchase <br />oE the N.[osted ancl Jokuason prope,rties, but noth:ing i.s P~irmed up yet, <br />Agenda <br />~ddiGion <br />State Ai.d '['he ,Engi.neer sut~mi.Cted to the Co~mcil. a plan for th~ desi.;;nat:Cm1 oL uta~e <br />StreeCS Ai.d streets in t:he Ci.ty, 7'ize pl~xn tnvolvecl removing the State ~11d <br />cles:i.gnation .from Noel ancl lli Road and put:Cin~ it on Demont and <br />Agenda Vi.king Dri.vE:. The Lngl.~ieer ireported t}iat che City needs to put together <br />Item No, 24 a new five--year plan, <br />P]nC' -aJ- <br />