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N]~.NU'CES <br />City Council <br />Augo 2II, 19E15 <br />County Road C9so Plarciini. inCroduced the fol:looring tesoluCion and moved its adopt:Lon; <br />C - Assessments <br />(Cont.) RPSOLUTION N0, 85-8-47.5 - CLOS:Lx:G THG PUfiI~SC <br />I°ItiARING ON THP COU~]TY ROtIU C 1JL'I'ERRI,D <br />~SSL'SSe(GN'CS <br />'flie resoluti.on ~aas duly seconde-<1 by Edr.. Collova. <br />Ayes (5) nardirii, Collova, Scalie, T3lesener, ;ahey. <br />Nayes (0), <br />ftesol.uCion der_l~red adopted. <br />7'h~is re,oluti.on apC~ears in Resolution f3oolc No, 17_, Pagc 425 <br />The Ci.ty Ateorney rcport:.ed that in or.der to act on the assessmeuT., the <br />Cotmcil would fi.rst have to act on P4r< 'fereau's objecCion. <br />Mr. Pahey inCroduced t.he fo1' r.esoluti.on and moved its adopti.on: <br />I:T:SOI,UTION N0. £3.i-B-~47.0 - OVIi;RftlJL7:NC A1R, UTAi.TER <br />7'tZRI?,AU'fi 0"fiJI;C'CION 7'0 THli ASS~iSSP1FN'C 13l~SPD ON <br />T3ITi P~~1Ci' "C1-IAT 1-lIS 1?RO"1P;ST 1S T3ASf?ll ON A i~LCSUNDER- <br />S"CAi`]DtiIG OF 4QI~IAT ASSPSSf~fEN'C WAS DEI~'Ii,l,2RPD, HIS CLAI~I <br />flf]:NG TI3t1T I'C WF~S A W1'TT;RMAIN ASSrSSMENT AD1D CI'I'Y <br />Rl.?CO?2DS RLi~L`sCT 7T [1S P,P:ING A Sf?~tl[?R ASSI;SSie(1;~+'C <br />The fore~;o~ing resol.ution was dul.y seconded by i~15. Nea-cl:i.n~i., <br />eAyes (5) fahey, Nardini, Collova, B'lesener, Sca7.ze. <br />Nz~yes (0). <br />ResoluCion declarecl ado~te.d. <br />'Chis iesol.ution appe~rs i.^ Resoluti.on (3ook tdo. l7, Page ~~76, <br />Ms, ~.i.ntroduced the Lo11owS.n~ resolutiom m~d movF;ci its adopCi.on: <br />P.ESOLUT:ION N0. 85-3-417 ~- AP,PROVINfd T1IE <br />R't''.lAS,`iEfiSi~(f';i~!'C 0'r' fl(f~ Dl~t~f?KRI?D ASSESSc(15~'C <br />SAD1fT9RY S~4d[;2 l~IJD. 1~s09, D/P 0082 <br />Ii1'CLRES'T RA`CE 3% PER ApINiJ~9 <br />ItVS'fALL~1f'sN'TS 3 'YPA?ZS <br />The .foregoing resolution w2s duly sc:conded by ~1r. 731.esenec. <br />Ayes (Sj Nard~.i_ni, J31.esener, Pahey, Scalze, Co7lova. <br />Nayes (0), <br />Rczsolution decl~ired adoptec.l. <br />'Chi.s re>o1.uCion appeae~s iri itesolution ~lools No, ].2, ~Pages ~r27 ~znd 42£3, <br />~Page -~-- <br />