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t4"L~U7'i S <br />City Counci'l <br />At.ig. 24, 1955 <br />fmC>, 71-7 <br />lleferred <br />Assessment <br />Agenda <br />Item No, 9 <br />Mr. Fahey ox>enecl [.L~ze publ.i.c on Y_t~e x~eassessmec~t of. :[mpr~ovement: <br />No, 71-7. There was no ona presFnt wi,h_ing t:o comme.nt on thi_s <br />reassessment. <br />N[r. [3lesener ~introcluced Che f' resol.uti.on and mov<~.el i.ts adoption: <br />PESOL[JTION P10, k35-S-41t3 - CILOSIPlG 'Ci~tl's PUI3LIC <br />HI3AR:[NG ON Tfll's DL;1~F.RKI~D ASil3i5;`QIl;N'i' FOl2 IP~fP. 71.-7 <br />The fore;oing ,resolution w~i, duly seconcied by Nls, Aar.dini., <br />Ayes (5) Iilesener, Nardini., Col.lova, 1~ahey, <br />Nayt~s (0). <br />IZesoluCion declared adopCed, <br />'I'hi_s resoluCion appear.s in Resolut~iori Boolc No. 12, Pa3e 429. <br />Mr, ;31ese:ner introduced ihe f.ol.lowing resolution and mov~d it:s a<loption: <br />Ayes (5) Rlesener, Coll.ova, Naeā€¢dini, Scalze, L'aheyo <br />Naycs (0). <br />Resolution declared adopCed. <br />'Chis resol.ution a~pears in Resol.uti.on 73ook No. 12, Pat;es 430 and 431, <br />T'he Lore~oing zesolut:ion was clul.y secorided by t4r> Collovt~. <br />i2I;SOLU'7.'ION NU. 85-8-419 -- A'PPROV;LNC TI1li <br />REASSI3,`iSNtI3N'1' 01' THE llFJ?I;RRIill AS ;~SSMf?N7' <br />IMY!ZOVI'sM}:N'P, N0, 71-7, S13~dI;R, AUD. 1303, D~P 0073 <br />IN'L}sRPST 7.2AT~ FS% PLJ,2 A~NIIhI <br />INS7'~Li.,:K1iN'L'S 5 Y~ARS <br />( 53<25100-351-00) <br />tyr, Col.l.ova introduced the foLl.ourin~; z'esoluti.on and moved it, adoption: <br />Ayes (5) Collova, Pahey, 131esener, Nardini, Scalze, <br />Na~es (0). <br />Resolution declared 'adopCecl. <br />This resolution appears in KesotuC:ion Bool< No, 1.2, Pages ~a3?_ ~nd 433, <br />RESOLIPI'ION DiO, 85-8--420 - ,9PP120VING Ttll: <br />RPASSf?SSC~IliN1' Ul, 7'fiE R61 .F.RRLf> ASSI:SSMI]~'C <br />~IMPROVLP4EN7'..~ym- 73 A, fiLWTlt, AOD, 1229 <br />D/I' 0070 <br />I:NTL'~Rt3ST R~1'CL 8% )?ER A~IN[7M <br />]i~TS 7_ YGAI2S <br />( 53~2500 - 351- 00 ) <br />The Porec~oing resolution was duly~seconded by i`~.e, Fahey. <br />Page -£3- <br />