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i~iTNU'C:P]S <br />C,it:y Council. <br />Sept. 11, 1585 <br />I~"~'l.i.n~t, i~[r, }3lescnci. asked i1' the ;gui.].din~ Insprctor. has rece:i.ved a lettcr from <br /> the U~1R refard;i.n;; the dumping ~l.on~, Gervm~.Ls. l~lesener sCat.:ed that he <br />Gervsis I.,alce dr.ove bg Che area and it ].oolcs bad. Blesener suggesCecl thaC the Qity <br />send Cl~e pr.opcz'Cy owzcr a letter reqi.i~.iri_ng lii.m to cl.emn up Ghe mess. <br />~1~;enda <br />:[tern t~o, J.~ 7~~1~', Col.lova repl.ied t:h~tt the Building 'Lns}~ector's ]etCer alrea<ly <br />, Co th~it Ef.Pect. Collova stated Chat he wou7.d ~;ive Che Council <br />a copy oC the <br />~r< Co,l.lova ask~cl tiohat ehe hropert.y o~oner ~.rais in viol.ati.on of:, <br />Pahe.ry replied that he i.s i.n v:i.olaCion of' the ida.*.21and Ordint.ince, 'Che <br />Ci_Cy CLer.k sttiCed that Che D~?R has ai perniit process 1'or along the Lat<e, <br />Any fill.~i.n; rer,~uires a perm~it. <br />I'ahey agr~ed t',iah a 1etCer sl~ould be sent to tPie oeopcrt~ owrier, [~'aRey <br />su~~e~ted that. tP~e Buil.di.n;; Inspector<;arch this maCte.r. <br />Ci.ty Center. c9r.. ISlesener report:ed that ~dvent :lomes will be Che contrticCO~.r na:ili.n,~, <br />iteport t,he o~ar~>,ecl boards on the C:ity Cencer bui'ldin~;, 'Cl~e wi.J.l. <br />be l~aiiited by i:.he~ 1o~a bi.dder, cahich wa, ~tarolc.l )?eickiert. Mr. PeS_chert <br />~geiicla does noC l<now ii.` the coho7.e buil.dina w:i.1]. be compLete by Che end of the <br />Item Plo, 16 year, but tlie l~u:il.din~ bc preseritaUle. <br />'Che Publ.ic 4lor.lcs Superintend~nt: is ;;ettin~ quotes on tl~~e cemenC F~orlc at <br />t;he fr.onC of Che build:i.n~~. t11so, the plast:ic protecCi.on sheeCS for the <br />entsyaray are i.n and wi.t1 be inst.all.ed shortl.y, <br />fti.storical t4r. P,lese~~er reported thaC the.t-li,torical Soci.ety -is ].ooki.nn, E~or some <br />SoeieC~~ l.ocked cabinet spa~ce to store th.inga. T.~ire P~les~ner staCed that he <br />wotild speak to Johanna Gal].a~,her Co see just whaC. she had i.n mincl and <br />~1y,e~da so:nething o~ould try to be wortced oat aC the Ci.t:y Center. <br />ndcliC.i.on <br />13cer YerrniC 'ThE L~i.GCle Canacla F'.ecreati.on Association is z'equesting a beer permiC for <br />LiCt7.e Can~.ida Septembeir 13, 14 ancl ]S, <br />I:EiCTL'21C I.OTI <br />Assoc:i_ation Nlrs. intro<luced the}; resol.ution :snd movect it:s ado~tioz~: <br />A~en~la RESOI,.,1J7'TO~i N0. £35-9-446 - APPROVING ~1 EB.}:R PERLtST <br />I,tem Plo. 17 I~OR Tf113 L7.TTI,I; CANAllA R7'sCi~@:ATION ASSbCTATION POR <br />7?1',iIllAY, SA'CURDAY AND SUNDAY, SrP7'Ei`~.1BIsR 7.3, 14, AND 1S <br />'Che .Forego;ing resolution tvas duJ.y secoi~~decl by Mr. Col.lovu. <br />E1yes (5) Scal.ze, Col.lova, ;Bl.esener, Pl~rdi.n~.i., 'P'tihey> <br />ilayes (0). <br />Re;solut:ion declared ndoptecl> <br />This resolution nppcars i.n Ke,oluti.on ~Elook No. 12, Pa~e <<b0< <br />Paf;e -1.1- <br />