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MIV01'[iS <br />Citry C;ouricil <br />S~pe. 1.1, ].985 <br />School <br />P~oard <br />li1.ecC:ion <br />Aga.>.nd<~ <br />AddiCion <br />Seencroderi <br />Proposal <br />& 'CitO <br />Schrier <br />Proi~erty <br />A~;end1 <br />Add:i_ti.on <br />Kx~. (~ahe.y reporCed thxt there~ would be~. a Sc.hool. ?3oacd F,7.ecC~ion on <br />OcCObei 15. Pahey ur.~ed a.ll residents to br,come with ehe <br />r.edistri.cting issue thnt would ~c a part of the <br />Mr. F'ahey reported t:hat he meC 3oalcy ~da'ite re~;ardi_n£; c1~~e Sterier.oden <br />property. ~(r. !e~aiCe ~a~11 be al~proaching Che Counci.l. <br />membe r , . <br />i~fr. Wai-te is proposing C.o mccess IZ:i.s development. l:.hzougti th~ Schrier <br />property. ~4x~, 4~~ait.e has tr~ied to ne~;otiace with Schrier.~ ,fo~r.~ access, <br />but t:hese have fa~i.led. <br />Mr, Pahe~ su.~ested that the Counci.l consider declu'rin~ u <br />on the development oP Cite peoperty, tne Stenerode-n prop~erty, <br />so th,at aceess to tha.C property cannot be bl.oclceel. 'Che Ci.ty may t~~ztve. <br />Co con;:i.cler condemnina property :in ocder to ;eL: access to the 5Cenerocieu <br />prol~er.ty. <br />Me, Fahey sGatecl thar i.E Che Counci_]. l.i)ces the Steneroden clevelopment <br />pro~~osa1, i.c inay be iri Che Lon~ tcrm in[er.est of t~.kie Ci.Cy Co '.~iav~ <br />access f.rom's devc:l.o~~~ment. <br />i~,ts. idac' t:houghC there rnaq be ti~e potenC:i.a1_ fox t~ilz.i_ng a porti_ori of. <br />t~vo loCS for ticcess to the Steneroden peoperty. <br />!efrs. Sctil.ze stat:ed t~aat. i.f. 7_he Cicy concle:nnecl properCy, Chc cosC oL <br /> so raould ;o on the Sterle.roden development. <br />T~aney repo~rted Chat Che Steneroden devclopment wi11 be consiclecec! at <br />Che Septembee 25 Council meeti.n~;. <br />cir. Co1l.ova su~;f;ested tha.t ~~1r. Sct~ri_er be i.nfonned of~ a moraCOriwu if <br />one is callecl< <br />Scalac stated that she c,ias not .ag.eecabl.e to putti.nn a road in that e~rou:ld <br />bc. on one snd A-es:iclenttial. on the ottaer< Scal.zc point~-~d <br />out thaC T.he Ci.ty saou].d hmve the same sit.uacion ~ts i.s curr.entl.y oti l~xrlc <br />Str.eet:, <br />iYlr. [ilesener u~;~sted t~at: any that. i.s cra~l.led be kepC. to the <br />be:~e m-ln:imurn. Tt was The concen~sus of the Counc~.i.l th~ t a 60 day moi~~atot' <br />si~ould be czil.l.ed. <br />iY,lr. Pahey introducecl tl~e fo).l.owin;; resol.u[.:ion nnd rooved i.ts adopti.on: <br />1',tiSO.LU'PION N0. 55-~9--~F47 -- DLCLFl{2~.CNG A^'[Ofi~'P01,~[Ui~l ON <br />1'ltL' 7SSIJAi~`CF; 01 tl?IY 13itTi,D~IN(d PtlUtiI'I'S "CO .:•~R. SCiLt[13;Z <br />~,1ITR [2 iG~1Rll 'CO Pklls .l'i?S LUI?N7'IAL I.0'CS ARII'f'CT.NG 'C'fllt <br />SP1i:~t3iZODEN PROI'; R7'S" Iil~f);DIt\T`?LY TO '1".I~? EAS'f PENDT.NG <br />Page -12- <br />