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D1tNU'7'GS <br />Ci_ty Cotmci_J. <br />SeC~t., 7.1, 7.9f35 <br />Lake St.reeC i1rs. Scalzc £el.t that Lhe maCCer sP~oulcl go Co Che J?ark Commission to <br />Vacation see iE the.y are~ interest~:cl in open space or cralking patkts or tra~1, in <br />(Cont:.) th:i.s area. <br />i,~ahey pointed Chat tlie l~iear.i~ng process is very costly i:o ehe Ci.Cy <br />and ChaC th:i_s i.ssue has been voCed down many ti.mes ~.i.n the pasC. <br />Fahey stzzc~d Chat if anycl~~ing tl'ie Ci.ty wi.l.l. pl-obabl.y reCain tlle propez:ty <br />for open space or w~licing p~iChs. P~ihiey askecl i.f th~ CiCy wa, <br />obl_i€;ated to cal.l the ~~ubl.:i.c heur;inp. <br />' ~Euellner, Sr< stated Th~it at t <br />they requesCed ChaC I..nke itreeC be <br />by City. hls a result oE this, <br />iii the t~eea, <br />e time SZuth Street s~ras j>ut i.n, <br />put i.n as we7.1. 'L'hi.s was ctenied <br />Chere are some landloclced parccls <br />P~tr~, 3lesener poie~ted o~it tkiat if- che pr'~rcels are comb~:~ned witl~t uther <br />lots, they are buildable, <br />'Ch~ C~ity At:eorney , t:hat thc statuCe d.oes noe set up m 1ens;th oE <br />time that musC lapse between publ.ic hear.i.ngs. TF~c: Attorney stated Ctiat <br />rLze Oouncil does not h~roc Lo I:>e puC i.n the: posi.t~ion of cons~i.deri.n„ a <br />subject at each m~eCin~;. 'The Attorney suggested thnt the pi.ibl.i.c hearin~ <br />be cal.led, c;vea thou~h ~t:he Council may be of the feeli.n~; t.haC tha request: <br />wi.1.1 be deni<~d. <br />ilr,. Scal~e sug„ested that the oast m:inute;s be r.esearched on th~is maCter, <br />Fahey su~;gesCed thaC. the request be sent to the Ptirk for Cheir <br />r.ecommendation. <br />Mr.s. Scalze askecl i.f there weis any iriCerest i.n put_C:i.nt; Lalce Str.eet tkzr.ough, <br />Nluelln~r stziCed that t:n:is ~•rould be the other <br />1'he City C1.erk sCated C1~at the :I.ots czin be comb:lned in r.i w~ay so that <br />they can be built on anotk'~er >tr.~eet other Chan i~alce Stirefat. <br />'fherH are deferred as,essrnenCS on some oi thi.s property, and onc~~~ the <br />lots ar.e macle builclable, the assessments wi.l.:l. go on. <br />P4s. Nar.d~in:i. sugoerted that thc plst history on thi.s subject be looked up. <br />Mr.. Pahey int:roducec Che f.o~lowing resol.ution and moved iCS ~dopCivn: <br />RPSOLU'1'7:ON N0. b5-9-4~E1 - CALf.~'.[i~G FOR A PIJBLIC <br />ItEAKING A'I.' 7:30 P.M. ON OC7:0%3liR 9 ON 'CHE; VACA'l'50~1 <br />0'0 LAKE STR~13'I' FROF1 t3VL1-1 GOI~G '~).35'L' TO STARK. <br />5'PRJi GT <br />The for.ego~in~ r~solution was duly seconded by i4r. ~lesener. <br />9yes (5) Pahey, ]3lesener., iVardini, Sca:tze, Col].ova. <br />Nayes (0). <br />~j~>olut.i.oi1 cl4elcirecl adopked. <br />'~.~~~is reso ution r~ppeurs ~n 1Ze,oLuCi.on Book No. 12, Page 455. <br />Page __4~_. <br />