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riz~au~cr s <br />czcy c~~,n<~.~.1. <br />5ept, LL, 19£~5 <br />'Ceze~u M~yor T'ahcy po~int.ed out th~it the 7'~reau assessment mat:ter wss resol.ved <br />Assessmen[: at tlie 7.ast. Counci.l. m~ae[:ing. <br />Agenda <br />]:tem No, 7 <br />Winter Ltr. Fal~ey reported that the St, Paul. Winter Carni.val woul.d like to <br />Carni.v~l use t,ake Gervai.s Lor. their snocrmob~il.e race. 'Chi_s caould be held the <br />Sno~omobile weelcend 'aiter Che softbal.l. on :ice tournament. <br />Races <br /> f4s< aslcea if partcing caas a problem that Che Ci.ty s ho~.tlct concern <br />Agenda i.tself wtieh. ?4r, Co1.lova f.E1t that Chere must be par{ plans n~d<-:, <br />Ii.:em No. £3 It wa> ;u~gestecl tkiat t:he par!; r,+ou:Lcl ~>robably ba ~.iC the: beach <aree.i <br /> and on Che i.ce, <br />tds, Naiiā€¢di.n.i intr.oduced the; resoluCion and moved its adopt;ion: <br />3ESOLIPLION ~0< 35-9-4<ti2 - F~]?YROVING 'f.HE USli OF <br />GERVAT.S LE1KE POR TLtE ~dIN7'EI2 CARPIIVAL SiVOWi~10~3II,E <br />RACES <br />'Ck~e Eorego~i.n~; resoluti.on was dul.y seconded by ~lr, Blc,sener. <br />tlyes (5) Nar.din~i, Blesener, Collova, Scalze, Fahey. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resol.ution declared adoptecl. <br />This resol.ution aippe~ir.ecl in Resolution ]3001,< No. 12, Page 456, <br />LeCter On 29r, Fahey xeportecl Char the l.etcer ?3~i.11. Quiriri on sCorage bu:ildin~s <br />Sto.ra~e and the. Ausiness Developmezit CornmiCtee i.s for Council. :informatiun. <br />Litt:i J. d s <br />Ptc. <br />Agenda <br />7tem No. 9 <br />1; & S C4r. Louie Rustad o:E R 2+. S ~ip~eared ~Ffore Che Counc~il and aslced Che <br />Concl~.i.ti.on sCat~.t, of the p,ravel ro~d ~i.n hi.s area, 12ustad pointed ouC tJ:~at the <br />Use }?ermlt conditionaL use perrnit tl~iat t1~e C~i.ty gr.anted hi.m is about: to exj,>ise. <br />A;enda Scalze commenCEd Chat as zt minimi.~m Che Ci.ty wanCed a grave7. ro~cl i.n <br />!;ddi.t:ion this areu for Fire protecGi.on. <br />Pa$ey poinCed out ttiat Ctze McGough Eence Piad to be moved. ThF Attorney <br />st~tecl that. he is in the pr.ocess of wor.lcin~; on the i4eGough fence maCter, <br />FIe wi7.l review t:lie [il.e and reporC back to ttic Counci_l.. <br />Fa}.~ey stat:ecl he thought rhe Council di.scussecl obta~i.ninp more railroad <br />rlaht-of'-~aay. flowevcr, th~ rai.l.i.oad wanted fa:i.r m~lrtcet val.ue t`or tl~is <br />property, The Ci.t9 also di.scus,ed cor~ver.tzng the rai.troad t:o a <br />~un~.;c ~z~~ss~.~~,~;. <br />Yaoe -5-.. <br />