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:~:i f 6~1J'CES <br />City Counci_1 <br />Sepr.. 11, 1.9£35 <br />;dages <br />(Cont,) yr.~< Co1.l.ova su<,;~gest:ed ChaC Cqrs. Jesoex•s~n ancl Mrs, Bl.esen~~r be T,~ut in <br />the same job classif._caCtion a 50¢ sal.ary c1:LfterenCi.ai1 set I,~ecluse <br />o£ tdirs. Jespersen's addit~.i.onal di.iCies. Co'l.lova su~;ested ChaC then an <br />across-t:he-board oercentaoe coul.d be gi.~ren CPie employees nexl year, <br />~a~-din:i. again su~;~esced 5% Por Che otf:-ic~ sC.aLf. ~'ahe~ sug~;esCed tr~aC <br />if t1~~mC is done, i~r. G1~nzFr and Mr, Ch'lebeck should get a 5% <br />i.ncrease, <br />~[r.. Chlebeck stated tk~at he was cornlortabl.e c;las,i( ~Irs. <br />.Jr-.spersen ~nd `lr.,, J~lesener i.n t1~~~ seime. job cl.ass~~.tica[:ion with ea <br />50¢ sal.ary, <br />£zihey statecl tli~at now t:.hat Che mai.ntenztnce workers ~ne i.n the bal7.park <br /> re€;ard to t11e.i.r sslaries, t.:here coul.~l b~ acro>s-Che--board per.centa~es <br />in che; f.utur.e. ilr. 131.esener poi.nted out that: Joe St:eel.e would be <br />brous;hC ~q> to che same sal.lry ~is Dan llrake ^ext year. k~uture -increases <br />wo~~l.d be consisCent wi_th Chc m~rScet, <br />i~es. Sczilze pointed out tltat. the Council has been to sEt: the <br />s~l.aries for emploqees at mean salaries i.n Cfie salary sur.vey book ioiCh <br />the exce~~ion of the RecreaC:-ion DirecCOr.s< Scalze sCat:ed Chat she ~aould <br />] to know what che mean are Eor recreati_on help. <br />Sczil.ze pointec! ouC ChaC she d1d a in ].932 and the Ci.ty's hecreraC;i.on <br />~ud~et was)aa1L tt~at of other c-iti_es. <br />Sca].ze st~ated t:hat: she was zi~reeable to tl~ie ti 7.28 pcr ltour for ~lrs. 131esener <br />and :~7.%8 per hour for ;~Ir>. Jespersen, but she taanted some i.nformati.on on <br />cohat othec parC-i:.ime recrc~Ci.on he].p was maicin;. <br />i~.(r.. ,l,~ahey ste.iCed t:hat .4,rs. JesT~ersen =aanted ~ longevi.ty sCe~ i.n salz~ry. <br />P'aPicy sCUCed tliae he iri~f:ormecl her that :i., iiot dorxe i.n tlie marl<eCplac.ea <br />3leseiier stated that he iel.t ChaC the emp'Loyees ~aer.e ~;ranted a basi.c 5% <br />raise and anythinv else was a sten retise. <br />Fahey f.elt tha[ the Cit~ needed some job descripCions to go by< I'~hey <br />a', poin?_ed out Ch2e T.P~e City pays i.t:s F.2ecretiCS.oi~i llirectors on an <br />hourl.y basi.s as we11.. <br />Scil~e ;taC~d tl~at tl~e Ci.ty i.s has~n; `7rs. Jespersen and P:tr.s, k3l.esener' , <br />sal.aries on CPiat of a.Eu11-time. posi.ti.on, <br />Mrs, Scalze det.erini.ned from tl'ie stxl.ary sixrvey t:h~it Ar.~deri llilt.s is payin~ <br />its Ciecre~tion DirecCOr $30,000 pe~r year. Scal.zc C>o~i.ntect out: t:kiat Che <br />Ci.ty is ~-1r.>, i`~tr.< Yrt.~d}.lome ~nd i°6rs. i~lusal< `p'l./4,500 per year <br />combined. Scll.ze stated Chat the C~ity is by ha1f: pri.ce. <br />It csas the concensus oE Ch4 Cotmci.l to set 'r(rs. J~spersen's salar~ at <br />tiS7JF3 X~er hour, t4rs. 'Hlc~;sener's salary at t~7.:?£3 per. hour and ^~Irs, <br />Pre~:man's ,alary increase would be 5%. OCher i.ncrease, would be set <br />Pag~ -9-- <br />