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MINU'CGS <br />CiCy Council <br />Sept. 25, 19F35 <br />Minnesota <br />Mini-Storage <br />(Cont.) <br />Mr. Hubbard commented Chat if the City wanted to talce any acti.on about <br />the billboarct, that was up to them, but he ~ot~~ia ao nothing abouC ~i.te <br />Scalze pointed out that the City's ordinance has a five-year limi.t on <br />billboards. ~r> Fahey suggesCed tk~at Mr. Naegle be advised o£ this. <br />F'ahey feLt [hat this was a separate issue. <br />Mr. Ilubbard explained his existing signagee kiubbard reported that he <br />has no identification signs for his tenants Chatare visible from <br />County Koad f3. This makes locati.on of the businesses diFficult. <br />Flubbard reporCed that T.he si~n he is requesting wouLd be just an i.denti- <br />ficati.on sign and no advertising would be allowed. <br />'Phe Planner po:inted out that under the ordinance, Kr. Hubbard would be <br />allowed to put up wall signs with no fur.ther permit from the City. <br />Mr. I~IubBard explained the type of sig,n he is inCending to :install. <br />Scalze suggested that if the si.~n is approved, it be on the condition <br />that thi.s sign is instead of the wall signs< Mr. Hubbard stated that <br />he had no problem cvith this. <br />t4r. 131esener i.ntroduced the following resoluti.on and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLU'PION N0. 85-9-458 - CL,OSING TAE PUSLIC <br />FIGARING 0~ THG MINNESOTA MINI-STORAGE SIGN <br />VA1tIANCE REQULST <br />The foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Ms< <br />Ayes (5) Blesener, Nardini, Scalze, Collova, Fahey, <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolution declared adopted. <br />This resolution appears in Resolution Book No. 12, Page 473. <br />Pis< Nardini introduced the fo].lowing resolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION N0, £15-9-459 - APPROVING THE MINNL~SOTA <br />MINI STORAG~ SIGN VAR~IA~CE RFQUfiST IN LIEU OP ANY <br />AllllITIONAL SIGNAGli ON 'LI~IE f3UILUING <br />The foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Plrs. Scal.ze< <br />Ayes (5) Nardini, Scalze, 131esener, Collova, P'ahey. <br />Nayes (0). <br />ResoLution declared adopted. <br />This resolution appears in Resolution Book No, 12, Page 474. <br />Page -1.2- <br />