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MINU'iL'S <br />C:i.ty Counci.l <br />Octe 9, 1985 <br />Larry Lee P1rs. Scal.ze i.ntroduced the f.ollowi_ng resolution and moved its adopt:ion: <br />ID13's (Cont.) <br />RESOLUTtON N0. 85-10-4fS8 - CLOSING TNL: PUBLIC <br />HI'sARING ON THE LARRY LG~ INlltJS'LRIAL R~VENUP 130NDS <br />'Che foregoing resolution was duly seconded by iKs. Narclin:i.. <br />Ayes (4) Scal.ze,, ['ahey, 131esener. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolution declare<l adopted< <br />Thi.s r.esolution appears in Resolution I3ook No. 12, Page 504. <br />Mrs< Scalze introduced the r.esolution and moved its adopti.on: <br />R)?SOLUTION N0. 85-10-489 - ftECITTNG A PROPOSAI~ <br />POK A COMPIGRCIAL PACILITIliS llL'VELOP24ENT PKOJTCT <br />GIVING PRE;LIMINARY AI'P120VAL TO 'CItP PROJLCT <br />PURSUANT '['0 TH~ 4SINNPSO'I'A MUNICIPr1L INDUS'PItIAL <br />llEVELOPyENT ACP AU'LFIORI7,ING TIIE SUIIMISSION <br />OF AN APPLiCA'CION POR APPROVAL OP Tilli P120JP:C'C <br />'CO TIIE ~NL'RGY AND ECONOMIC DPVELOPh1E~T AUTEIORITY <br />OF 7'7I~ S'1A'fG OP MIN~IsSOTA ANU AUT1i0RI'LING THL' <br />PREPARATION OF NI'sCESSARY DOCUMTNTS AND MA'PGRIALS <br />IN CONNECCION WITIt 'I'HG PROJECC <br />The resolution was duly seconded by i~s. <br />Ayes (4) Scal.ze, Nardini, Fahey, f3lesener. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolu[f.on declared adopted. <br />This resolution appears in Resolution Book No. 12, Pages 505 thru SOf3. <br />P1r. I3lesener introcluced the resolution and moved i.t:s adopti.on: <br />KISSOLU'lION N0. 85-10-490 - AU1'HOR~IZING A P120Ji,C'1 <br />UNDIiR THE MINNESO'PA MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAI. DE:VELOPMBNT <br />AGT AND THE ISSUANCFi OF COMMBk2CIAL DEV~I,OPA9I:NT <br />REVliNUli BONDS TO PINANCL. THE PROJECT (RLP' OP' <br />MINN~SOTA PROJIiCT) <br />The resol.uti.on was dul.y seconded by Ms. <br />Ayes (4) Blesener, Nardini, Scalze~ ~aheye <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolut:ion declared adopted. <br />Thi.s resoluti.on appears in Resolut.ion I3oolc No. 1'2, Pages 509 thru 51.2. <br />PaPe -2- <br />