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~1TNU'I.'tiS <br />City Counc:i.1 <br />Oc[. 9, 19£35 <br />VacaCion I4ayor Fahey opened the public on tl~e vacation of. I..ake Street <br />OL Laice beto~een RuCh SY:reet anci Starlc StreeC. Fahey reporte<l that the Yarlc <br />Street. Commi.ssion i.s not interested in this ar.ea tor ~~ark pur.poses. <br />Agenda Mr. Pahey poi.nted out that Mr, P~ischer would Like to combine lots <br />Item No. 5 30, 31, 32, 33, and 34 and use the vacated ar.ea to split these lots <br /> into two. <br /> Mrs, Scalze asked who oorns Lots 2£3 and 29. Mr. Fischer replied ChaC <br /> he has soLd these lots on a contract-for-deed to the owner ot Lots <br /> 25, 26 and 27. <br /> Mr. 13).esener aske<! if there was the for. any mor.e houses <br /> on Ruth Str.eet to the South. Mr. Fischer repLied that there was not <br /> and pointed out that there is already a house in th~i.s area. <br /> Mrs. Scalze aslce<l if, this house had built back farther <br /> iC ~vould htive a corner lota Mr. I'ischer. stated thaC he Uelieved the <br /> Ci.ty p;ave these people a variance so thaC they could build cl.oser <br /> to thenorthern boundary, <br /> There was no one present to the vacation of Lake Street <br /> beCween Ruth an<1 Starlc Streets. <br />44r.< ]37.esener :i.ntroduced Che following resolution and rnoved i.ts adopti.on: <br />RL'SOI,U'LION N0. 85-10-491 - CLOSING TkIE PUIILIC <br />tIEARING ON '.CIIE VACA'LION PKOPOSf'sD OP LAKE <br />STREET PROM RU'I'fl "i'0 SPARR STR]iETS <br />The foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Pi,. Nardinie <br />Ayes (4) I~lesener, Nardin:i., Scal.ze, Fahey. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resolueion decLared aciopted. <br />'lYii.s resolution appears i.n Kesoluti.on Flook ~o. 12, Pag<; 513. <br />P4r.. L'lesener i.nt:rocluced the foLlocvi.n~ resolution and moved its adoption: <br />E2ESOLU'1'ION N0. 85-10-492 - APPROVING TH~ <br />VACATION OP LAKL~ S'CI2EI:T ElI;T~dL;E~ RUTI~I S'PREE7' <br />E~Nll STARK STREfT <br />'Che foregoing resolut:ion was du).y seconded by Mr. Pahey. <br />Ayes (4) IIlesener., Fahey,, Scalze. <br />~layes (0). <br />Resolut:i.on declared adopted. <br />Thi.s resoluti.on appears in Resolution I3ook No, 12, Page 514. <br />Page -3- <br />