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rir.N~rr~s <br />Ci.ty Counc~il <br />Ocr.. 73, 1985 <br />Sincla:is <br />Convenience <br />Store <br />(Cont.) <br />Mr. Johnson stated thtit Sinclair would Lilce another.~ cur.b cut, but the <br />County oii11 only a11ow them one. <br />Nar.dini aslced i.£ there was going to be a proble.m w:it:h unloading over <br />parkina sp~cese Mr.. 7r'ahey po~,Lnted out: t:hat: this is why etdditional <br />parlcing was r.equired. <br />i9r. Johnson pointed out that Si.ncl.air owns the Cransports and, there£ore, <br />can contr.ol the Cimes that deli.veries are made. <br />Mr. I3lesener poi.nted out tk~at i.C will talce Counci.l acti.on to approve <br />S:inclair's bein~ open 24-hours per daq. <br />~4r. George Rossea appeared Uefore the Courici.l and r.eporY.ed that he was <br />aglin,t tk~~ ~roposal. because :it wi.ll. increase tY~e traffic in the area <br />and he di.d not feel. that any addi.tional tr.affic could be handled by <br />the ar.~a, <br />Mr.. tllesener i.ntr.oduced the Lollowing resolution and moved its adopti.on: <br />RF:SOLUTTON N0. 85-10-511 - CLOSING T41G <br />PUI3LTC ItEAI2ING ON 'CHL' SINCLATR CONV1s~1IL;NCE <br />ST012P PI20POS~1L <br />'Che foregoi.n~; r.esolution caas duly seconded by Mrs, Scalze. <br />Ayes (.i) I37.esener, Scalze,, Fahey, Collova. <br />Nayes (0), <br />Kesoluti.on decl.ared adopted. <br />This resoluCion appears in Resolution Boolc No, 12, Pzige 533. <br />Mr. 111.esener feLt that the screeni.n~ oP trash recepticle, could be oiicle <br />enoudh so chat there would not be a problem for. [he gar.bap;e collectors. <br />Mr. Ellesener i.ntroduced the f.oll.owing ceso].ution and rnoved i.ts adopCion: <br />RPSOLU'PZON N0. 85-7.0-512 - APPROVI.NG T.II'E <br />5It1CLA:CR STTP PL9N POR ADbITIO~ OF' A CONVGNIGNCT <br />ST,OP.L' AS SH06JN WITFI T~iP INCREASP OP Ttili ~AS'PIs12N <br />BOl)NDARY OF i'ZVE l~F3ET OP GRE~N ARli9, ALI,OWING <br />S:LNCLAIft 'i.'0 RAVE A 24-HOUR Yl'sR DAY OPE22F~TION, <br />REQUIRING TAAT ANY I,IGl~1TIVG ON DUR~.CP]G 'CIiE N:[GI-IT <br />kIOtIRS ;[~1's SCREENI?.D PROM THE RESIDENTIAI, AREA, AND <br />RPQ1JigING THti SCRti,E~IING OP TRt1Sli RtiCL'PTICLES <br />The foregoing resol.uti.on was dul.y seconcled by Mr< Collova. <br />Ayes (5) Blesener, Collova, ScaLze,, I~a~hey. <br />Nayes (0). <br />f2esoluti.on deciared adopted. <br />7'hi.s r.esolut3.on appears ~i.n [2esoluti.on 13ook No. 12~ Page 534. <br />t'age -3_ <br />