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N1ZNU'PI'sS <br />C;i.ty Council <br />Oct. 23, 1985 <br />Text Mr. Alesener fel.t that the l3ui.lding In,pector should be at the Planning <br />Amendrnent Commission to explain his letter. I37.ese ner also pointe<1 ouC <br />MeCal that the 13u~.i.ldi.nF; InsC~eckor. i.s recommending that after Item <br />F3ui.l.dings 1 should be del.eted as i.t is covered in the UI3C. Blesener stated that <br />(Cont.) he does not: have a copy of the U}3C and aslced iC: Cypes of building <br /> materials are specifi.ed ln this Code. 131.esener also poi.ntecl out that <br /> th~i.s pr.oposed text amenclment is consi.stent with what the City puC i.n <br /> i.ts par.k. <br />P4r. Nagovsky stsited that he underst:ood Che purpose of the text amendrnent <br />was to elimi.nate pole bui.l.dings wi.Ch roetal. siding in conunercial and <br />resi.dential areas. Dlagovslcy stated that thi.s can be accompl.i.shed <br />Itein 1 and C1ie other items ~re talcirig the amendment furCher than what <br />che or.iginal. i.ntent was. <br />The Planner sC~ated that he agreed tk~aC the amendmerit toolc the matter <br />beymid just el:iminating metal bui.ld:i.nos from tm d <br />7'he Ylanner pointed out that It~m 4 deals with and the <br />Councit woulct be Che jucl~;e of what loolcs good, The Planner stated that <br />t.hi.s amendment: is acceptable in other communities. <br />Pahey stated t:hat he had di.fFi.cul.ty ~vi_th saying th~t an accessor.y <br />must be sided wi.t:k~ a material to cahat o~as used on the princi.ple <br />Uui.l.ding. rahey f.elt that thi.s was an tmnecessar.y burden and f.el.t i.t <br />was unnecessary. <br />>calze asked i.L the orclinance eli.minated pole and engi.neerecl steel <br />buildi.ngs. Mr. I3lesener poi.nted out T.hat this ~ooul.d be accompli.shed <br />by the phrase "with no meCal exter.ior." to the amenchnent as Gaa;; <br />su;gested by tkie 13ui1din~ Inspector. <br />ys. Nardini pointed out that thc amendment i.s what the Council did i.n the <br />industr;i.~1 area, agreed that there rnay bc too many words i.n Che <br />amendment, but felt that t1~e C~i.ty meiy cvant them r.atkier than e1.i.rni.nate them. <br />i'ahey suggested that the matter be sent baclc to the Planning Comrnission <br />and pol.nCed out that [rom the discussi.on they w.i1.1 be able to <br />sahat the Cotmci.l i.s getting; at:. <br />Mr.< I31.esener i.ntroduced the resolution and movecl its adopt:ion: <br />RfiSOLUTION N0. 85-LO-514 - RE'PURiVING Tt-IL, PROP09PU <br />'PliX7' AMENDM~N1' ON MGTAL BUILDI:NGS I~ACK '1'0 TFiL <br />YLANNIP7G COMMZSSION FOR ACPION <br />'L'he foregoi.n~; resolution was duly ,econded by iNrs. Scalze, <br />Ayes (~) }3lesener, Scalze,, Fahey, Collova. <br />Nayes (0). <br />Resoiution decl.ared adoptect. <br />'I'hi.s resoluti.on a~pears i.n Resolution f3oolc No. ].7_, Page 536. <br />Page -5- <br />