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~ t r.NU•rr.s <br />c~cy c~~~~~,~;.~. <br />Nov. b, 19£35 <br />t4r. Pi.erce commented that he understood l.ow income; saouid be <br />al.l.owed and asl,ced for an exp'l.anation of Cl~iis proposal. explai.ned <br />that. uncler the revenue, 20% of the uni.ts would have <br />to be occupied by 1ow income occupants. Howevei°, these peopl.e could have <br />salaries up to `:~26,500 per year. The rents tor these ~nits would be the <br />,ame as for the oCher uni.ts, thciC is, $550 to $675 per montha Rut.zick <br />aiso r.eporCed thaC undc:r. the f.' Che rents are not subsicl:i.zed at <br />a11, <br />Mr. Pahey indicated Chat the control factor would be the amount oE the <br />rent. I~ahey i.ndicaCecl that the City ktas requested that someone Irom the <br />Minnesota t(ousirig A~ericy be presenC to^ tkie proga-am, buC chey <br />coere iiot avai.l~ibie foe this meeting and would attend Cl.~e November 26 <br /> <br />Mr. Milo Wo1f coi~~menCecl that he fail~d to see. for addi.Ci.onal <br />apartroenCS i.n Lit~le Canacla west oF 35E. <br />1'akiey stated that Che business comrnuni.ty feel.s that addi.tior~eil apar.Cinents <br />would generate mor.e business. Mr.s< Scalze poi.nted out that not zill. of <br />Che busi.ness community felt thi, way. <br />Mr. Ldo7,f questionecl how the owners would be able to ~et these aplz~tmen[s <br />rented, ~1r. stated that there is a 99% occuE~ancy rate :in Li.ttle <br />Canada. <br />Mr, Pahey indi.caCed ehat the Council. held a hearj.n~ on, this proposal <br />~ cor'rection at a previous Council. meet, and there was pru~ one -c~~'}~czec~'~{~ to the <br />res no proposal at t.hat time. At Chat maeting Che proposal cal.led for 13f3 <br />85-11-528 apartment uni.CS and the City i.ndi.cated that: Mr. should loolc <br />i.nto the purchase of the Winter property. Presently, the Counc.i.l i.s <br />focusing on this plan. <br />Mr< Ted Ilergstrom as'~ced how [he i.s different Che ori.p,i.nal. one< <br />Pahey explained t:hat the apartments are moved f:urther to the south and <br />a 75 Loot buf.fer. to Io~ia Lane is being maintained. <br />h,lr. Bergstrom sC2ted that he was opposed to the ~,uid fel.t Chat some <br />type of. residential shoutd be con>trucCC~~d adjacenC Co Iona Lane, <br />~1r.. Fahey pointed oue tPiat if road access were to come in From Rice <br />Street there would o~ly be room for a sin~le roro oL homes atld i.t would <br />noC be econornical7.y feasibl.e to construcT. Che road. <br />Scalze pointed out Y:hat the Counci.l told tiutz,iclc to i.ncorporate Che Winter <br />property is zoned R-1< 'Ptiere orere no i.ndications Chat the Counc:il <br />woi.ild chinge Che zoni.n~ from 12-1. <br />Nlr. Pahey pointed out that the property w~il.1 develop some day. 1?ahey <br />stated Chat Ize thought Chat the 75 foot butfer. would get f:avorable <br />reacti.on. However, i.f che neighborhood i.s agai.nst the propos~4, then <br />Che Co~mcil w~i.ll have Co consider this. <br />Yage -2- <br />