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~:I~U'l'IiS <br />City Council <br />~ov. 6, ]9F35 <br />Mse Nardini pointed out that Chis is li~i,ical;Ly the same development. <br />as Rutzick's or~igi.nai one, but: spreac! ouC on ~.i larger. piece ot property< <br />Mc, B~rostrom asked how f.`ar th~ apar.tment coas from ehe buffer <br />zoriee hir. Rutz~ic'~c indi.ct~Ced that the woul.d be r:i.~;ht up t:o <br />Che 75 foot zone. <br />Mr. Wolt i.nd:i.catecl ChaC he was opposed to the proposal. <br />T4r. RuCZ,ick i.ncli.cated that the 75 Leet woulcl not be touched anc.i all the <br />trees would rernai.n. <br />Mr. I3er~strom fel.t that Ghis coul.d noC be done. Ber~sCrom indi.cated l:haC <br />the property wus zonect R-1. and that he would not ~e opE~osed to R-1 <br />development, <br />Fahey stated Chat therc wa, the question o£ wheeher was f,~easible <br />or reasonz.ible. Fahey commented ChaC P~e coul.d not see how the areai was <br />~oned as i.C i.s. i•Sr. I3er~scrorn stated that i.t was zoned ~~-1 as a <br />buLLer Yo Ionei Leinc. <br />i[L. RutzicLc st~ited that he is st~il]. agrea~abl.e <br />did not incorporate the Winter propert:y. hir. <br />sL~ould be addressed. Pahey indi.aaked that if <br />care of. at tLii.s point, someday the whol.e piec <br />Fahey pointed out thaC i.t was not Leasibie to <br />homes on thi.s proper.ty. <br />to the first pro~osa~l that <br />F'ahey fei.t that this property <br />the propeet.y is not talcen <br />could devel.op <br />devel.op a si.ngle r.ow of: <br />Kr. Fahey stated that he hoped by havi.n£; C11e ororkshop meeting some i.deas <br />woul.d develop f:or thi.s piroperty and i.ndi.cated that tlie Comtcil. w:i.l.l be <br />tak~ing action on the Rutzi.clc proposat at the next Couaci.l meeting. <br />~r. .Pi.ezce asked how much property w~s R-1. C11'~ey replied that: the Wi.nter <br />p~roperty wras R-1 has about 190 f.eet of: Erontaoe on Rice Street, <br />Ms. ~ardini ~~ointed out that the Counci.l. di.d noC have to do anything regar.ding <br />the Wint:er property, but felt that Che whote area shouid be consider.ecl at <br />th:is time< <br />Mr. Pahey askecl if. the Winter proper.ty could bc develor>ed <br /> access coming From Li.ttle Canad~i Road. 'Che pointecl out Chat <br />the City ~oould end up wi.Ch ,ome very long and wou7.d ziiso <br />have and commerci.zal. uses on t.he same street. <br />Pahey poi.nted out that the City this i_n Mr. Lee's first devel.opmente <br />The I'Aanner k~o:i.ntecl ouC that Mr. has not developed this res:idential <br />property an<I it may be more Por him to let the property sit; <br />than to puC the i.n for thi.s type of. devel.opment, <br />PSs. aslced Che cosCS of puttin£; in a rotad. Mr. Collova estimated <br />the cost at $125 £or the sCreet and utilities per foot f.or one s~ide of the <br />street. <br />Page -3- <br />