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11-06-85 Council Workshop Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
11-06-85 Council Workshop Minutes
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rtTNU~rrs <br />Ci.ty Council <br />Nov. 6, 19E35 <br />Fahey :indicated t:hat. the past: Counci.l CheaC dealt, with this development <br />probably fe1.C thae the Cdi.nter property would be zoi~~ed commercial some <br />day, I'ahey Ee1.t Chat T.he Iona Lane peopl.e should be aware of: t:hi.s and <br />Tahey i.ndi.caCed th~~C i.t was reasonable to ki~.i.m to h~ve the fr.ont portion <br />oI the Wi.nter property zoned commercial, <br />b:ir, .Bergstrom f.e7.t that if: Che 100 foot buffer zone was undi.sturbed tliat <br />would be fine, however, Bergstroin felt that Cl~e area would probably be <br />str.i.ped. Mrs. Scal.ze ~>ointed ouh that P:he CiCy coul~ control thi.s un<ler. <br />a I?UD. <br />i4r. Roclcy S1aiCe indica[ed Chat Che apartments on CounCy Road C are very <br />close to the homes on Court and they are not adversely <br />these homes. <br />itr. Wolf indi_cated that he mi.~;hC bc~~ agreeable to a 100 foot buf.f.`er. ~i.f. <br />Chere was no parkin~; lot or other ameni.Cy locat:ed i.n that: area, <br />Pahey indi.cated that there would have to be some porti.on of. groomacl lawn. <br />Mr, 13ergstrom suggesCed the 100 f:'oo~ bufLer zone and an t~ddi.Ci.onal 25 <br />f.eet of: groomed 1awn. RuCZiclc countcred wit:ti 75 f.'eet of. undisturbed buffer <br />ancl 7_5 feet of €;roomed lawn in additi.on. <br />t~tr. Winter i.ndi.caCed that he gave a 25 f:oot;e easemenC to the latce <br />because of the draina~;e probl.ems Che people on Iona Lane were having. <br />Mr. Rutzi.clc stated that he woulcl l.ilce t:he option of: putti.n~; i.n addi.ti.onaL <br />trees and planti.ngs in Che buffer zone. G(r. Wo7.£ indi.cated that thi.s <br />rneanC that Mr. Rutziclc pl.arm ed to change the €~rade of the properCy. <br />P1r. .31.e>ener indi.cated that with the buf.fer zone at 100 feet and Che <br />baclcyeirds oE Ioria L<ane considered there would Ue 175 Leet betcaeen the <br />apar.tment and the kiomes on .Tona< <br />Mr. [~utziclc indi.cated that some of: tlle trees in the. b~ff:er • coould be <br />higher Chan the apartment. <br />ilergstrom poi.nted out tl~at the proper[:y on which the apartmenCS woul.d be <br />locaited i.s hi.gher Cltan Iona Lane. <br />Mr. Rutzi.clc suggested that Chey come back with something on paper. <br />Fahey aslced Che grading plans for the ~ropert:y, Mr. Ji.m Rut~ick replieci <br />t:hat they have not done a grading plsin as ye~. <br />Scalze aske<1 i[ the apartmenCS az'e located higher P:han 7:ona Lane and T.he <br />woods are not graded f.f Tona Lan~~~ would hlve problemse Mr. <br />Jim RuCZi.ctc r.eplied [hat they would p:i.tch the property and a storm sewer <br />would be i.nstal.l.ect. <br />Mr. Collovasuc;gested that he woul.d l.i.lce co see some sorC of: f:asC-g;rowi.n~ <br />trees planted~in the buffer area. Scalze sup,gested pine trees as well. <br />Pa~;e -5- <br />
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