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MT.NtPLES <br />Ci.ty Counc.i.1 <br />Nov. 6, 19f25 <br />Ptrs, Scalze Lelt that somethin~; could be ctone the other oL <br />the street Co mal<e t:he pr.oposal. feasibl.e. <br />Mr. Pahey incli.cated that he will not vote for a proposal thaC does not. <br />include Che tlinter property. <br />Ptr. Jim Ftutzi.clc proposed ~a 125 ioot buffer ancl i.ncl.ude~i parkin; or <br />some other. ameni.ty i.n Che back. i.ndicated that he dia not <br />lcnow iE the Im1a I.ane peopl.e would be happy with si.ngle liomes <br />baclced up aFainst them< Rutaidc i.ndicated that the bufEes zone could <br />be i.ncreased with par{cing and some amerii.ties incJuded iri this ar.ea. <br />i3ut~iclc i.nd.icated [hat there ar~ a].ot of.~ ways thaC the plan coulcl be <br />handled i.n order to sati.s[y the Iona I..ane residents, Rutzick stated <br />that he would I.ike to accommodate Iona Lane as we11 as the Wi_nters, <br />Mr. Sdo1f was concerne<t about levets from these <br />nr. 13erf;st.rom stated that i.t coas hard to react to thi.s suogesti.on unCil <br /> w::~s on paper. <br />Pahey poi.nted out: that if the td~inte.r property devel.oped residentially <br />Che lots would be about 140 f`eet deep and the buffer would be the backyards. <br />F~hey pointed out that the apar.tment would not: be behi.nd a1L <br />the homes on Iona I.,ane and would have less ot an impact then homes <br />al.on~; the 7.engCh of: the Iona Lane homes. the apartmerit:s the buif:er <br />woul.d be wider in soroe areas, <br />Fal~ey asked the res:idenCS how [hey woul.d £ee1 i.f. Che bi.~ffer ~oms i.ncreased. <br />Mr. Blesener indicated ~thaC he felt Iona L,~ne would be ~aith the <br />building against the butf:er zone, then l~aving the parking 1ot located <br />in this area. Illesener. felt that car.s caould be more of: a d~isturbance <br />than a staCionary buil.ding. <br />Pahey astced< if: he would be wilLing to increase Che buif:er zone <br />to 100 f:eet. Mr. Rutziclc Lelt that Chi.s woul.d be fea,ibLe. <br />Mr. }lergstrom asl<ed how the apartment bui.lding would be, Rutzict< <br />repl.i.ed t_haC it would be stories, or about 30 feeC< There <br />would also be a level of unclerground <br />"Ir. [dolE felt that t:he Cop Lloor would eliminate the privacy of: Che <br />residents on Ion~a Lane. Fahey asked i_f Che impacC would be less -.if tlie <br />apartments were stri.ctly on the Cardi.nal property. <br />Mr, I3ergstrom f:elt i.t would be lessened as the. wotil.d Uc. over <br />?_00 Peet away and the property slopes, <br />D1r, W~i.nter indicated that he fel.t 100 feet was a good buff:er zone and poinCed <br />out that no one was concerned about a zone when the t3oat and N1oCOr <br />P1art property ancl Curley's TV ancl 7'i.erney's Liquor deveLoped< <br />Pexge -4- <br />