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12-04-85 Council Special Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
12-04-85 Council Special Minutes
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',iI~liiTFS <br />~1ty ~OUl1C1~ <br />~r.c. 12, lc'~5 <br />Ducharne <br />Addi~!ion <br />(~ont.) <br />Roci:,y ~~iai te <br />r~Udt"C~ I?dtl <br />~~f7°l1('.d <br />~~Cf!! ~~0. ~ <br />out tha.t !'ie has ~three !~i.~~i 1 di n~;s. <br />Fahey oo~i nted o«'c that i f th~ Co!.inc~i 1~~dopted t~e 1 cSi na. Inspector' s <br />1^CaC01?ll{if?11C~i1"i.l Otl ~~~lE?gf' 71,11 ~ C~'I IlCJS COU7 (~ OY1~ ~/ IJn pXpclilC~s_'(~ h~J l~i%. <br />r!ardi ni aske~S a~o~rt tii~ s~ t~~at;i on y~aher^ after a fes~a ynars soriaone <br />uro~ild ;~iant to ac~c': ano~ther 2`i%. Pahey statec thi~C upon t~.~~~ efifectiv~ <br />date of t4i^ or~finance, the s~iz:~ t>f th^ struc~ture co~.alc.? on1y be ~«led <br />on to '>yy ?5%. <br />!31 es~n~r st:at2d 1;ha~t: ~i P the ^i ~P,y al l ows tYii s i n the Ci ty' S resi ri~nti a~l <br />anr! cor:iri2rc~a1 distr~cts, t~it~ I-P ~(istrict shoulcl als~~ be ai>le 9;0 <br />ha~~e t~iis nrovision. <br />;Ir. (=ahny sug~r~,tetl t'riat ~hz~ Souncil t<t';^ i!p this rer;i~est in ti~e <br />~;~eet~inc; afi;sr it Pias ac~ter! on the residcnt~ial and co~!~i~r~rcial distrir,ts. <br />'~~ir. Rod:y l~lait;e a.pueared befor~ the Co~mcil and requesf,ed a c~uard rail <br />on Co~inty 4?oad C and Lak.shore P,venue in order to protec~ his ma~il~~ox. <br />'~;;a~ite reported that s'ince the City extendad the c~uardrail iri the <br />area i~e has bs~4~n 1 oosi nn Pii s raai 1 hox. <br />;1r. 3lesaner report2d 'cha~t the Public '~~!or:~s Super4nt~~ndFn~t; estiniates <br />the cost or instal1ation at ~24~1~ fbr t!'ie firs~ tirn~ around. Pualic <br />,~?or';S c~FS nnt f^~*1 the ~uarclrai1 ~s n~cessary frosn a. sa~Pet,y standpoint. <br />Th2 on~y reason to put ur~ the is to ~ro~;ec9: a~~ailhox. <br />P"r. 31 esen~r stat~d t~at i f~2oy !iad~au askec! that t'rie ;uard.rai 1 be <br />ext~~n<ied to pro~ec~ V~is }iouse, then Pie a~~oulri consider i:he reques~t. <br />Hoa~ever, !?1 escn~r cii d'noi: fael the Ci ty shoi-~1 d spend ~i ts r,ioney ~;o <br />i~rotert a r~iailbox. <br />Mr. t~raiY.e pointec~ that ~'ne quardra~il covers the City se~~ver easeraen~. <br />i;fa,i ~te al so cu2sti onecl ~the ,vay ~trie gi,i<irdrai 1 tha9: i s ex~ st:~i n~~ u~as put <br />un anct~Felt that there ~vas no nec~ssity for t'rie last section that <br />~ias insta1led, <br />~"aPie~~ ac,re~<i ~that ~t~e Ci t~/ sho~il <( not spe~ne i cs r~oriey to pro~ect 1 <br />mail~b~x. <br />Y.~aitE re4~~rt~d t~iat the City F~iat a culvert ~~~ and cove~r~d up the ditcn <br />and no~.=t the cars c.annot s'top ~.Mi'thout hittinq his n~ailbox. !1ai'te <br />al so reported ~Ciia. t t'~e Postal Ser~~i ce svi 11 not 1 et lii~~i nio+ie `~i s rnai 1 box <br />~vithout cha.nyino h~is addr2ss. blai~t~ a.s!<e~ t:hati thie last section be <br />reino~ie~l so ~hat cars are nnt funnFl~~el do~1m to ~iis inailbox. <br />[~~Y'. !"'d'!1C?~/ SUCIC~@S't(-',(1 "~~(Id'C ~;~d11;£ ~I.i~ ~llS 1?ld'17hOX ~101llYlfl 9;r1P. ~dS1; S@Ct;'IOiI <br />of ai,iarcira~i'I. ~;I~ite re!~'lied that tfiei~i ~the ~f,~ilman viill no~C ~ke1iver <br />Pa~t^ -11- <br />
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