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12-04-85 Council Special Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
12-04-85 Council Special Minutes
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r,j',IIJTrc <br />City Council <br />I,l n C. ~~ ~ ~~i i2 ) <br />Sdaite his mai1. blait2 ro;nmented that the City has caused h~s prob1e;o by <br />6u~rdra~i1 j~utting up ~'ne las~t s~action of gua-rdr~i1. <br />(Cont.) <br />"ahey suncleste~i t'nat P~!r. €>1 esener di scuss ;>>i th P~ir. Gl anz~r ~the uossi hi 1 i t,y <br /> o~F removinq this section of rai1. ~lesener a1so renorted tna't h2 s~ri11 <br /> find out. the histor,y oP t'ne quardrail and r^port b~~c!~ to ~tli~ Co+.incil. <br /> Scal zn fe1 t tYiaY, the Ci ty ~~aoul ci !~~ s~tti nn a~prec~dent 4y i nstal l i ng <br />~ <br /> a ~u~rdrail to proT,ect a r!ia~ilbor,. <br /> F~~h~y c'.id not ~feel that the ~"ity has a responsibil~ity for negliyent <br /> drivers anr! he tivas r~ot in favor of snPn~iinq an,y r~ore money on this. <br /> ~3lesenercornrn,~nte<i tpiai: he ~vill r2port back at the next Counc9l m~>~ting. <br />I<lidz~~~js P~r. Klidzejs of Tb~~in La!<e Road appenred before i:hn Counc~~l ren,uest'inq <br />~ <br />Propercy ~F~p~^o;~al of ±~~e ~livision of Piis proper~ty i~~to Tracts ~1, 6, and C, <br />i)ivision 'l.liclzejs re~orteci tnat tre ~ias a house on irict ~, his son has a^ <br /> on Trac~t ~ an," hi s dai.inh~ter ~:voul ~( 1 i'~~ to !~>u~i 1 d a house on Tract A. <br />Aqenda <br />It^n~i P~!o. % <br />~~ir Fahey no'in~ted oi.i~ tha~t the Pl~nn'in~ Co~~i°iission tlble<i ac.~ti~n on <br /> ~:hi5 rnatter. liow:ver, the !~~a~i:er ~~aas l~eFore the Plann~inn Coi~m~ission <br /> on f~~/ ~i at ~.J{~i'ic'n tim~ the Planninn Coi~ni~ission recommended approval, <br /> subjec,~t to a road easernEnt of th~ prop::ar ~;~ici~th. This carried ~ t:o 1. <br />!:lidzeis r~p~rt:~d that 1'ie spo!:e to (1rs. ~~Pitchell's son, ovaners of tn~ <br />a~)join'inr prop2rty, and r~as infiorn~eci ~that ~t,ieY do not wisYi ~to develop <br />the~ir 4.36 acres, antl will sell the pro~;~er~ty to ~a developer sometir,~e <br />i n~the futt.~rc. Kl i dzej s^s ~imatec( ~Cnat 12 1 ots co~i1 d be devel o7ec! <br />fro~~ the ir~tch~ll }~roperty a.ncl t~i~t acc:~ss to this nrop~~rty ~riould be <br />froi~i ti'~e ro<~d eas.r-,inen~t runn'ing alongs'ide n~is uroper~ty. <br />F~ir. F~hey di d not ~`eel i;~~~at the Ci ty coi,il d aps~rove the request as <br />th~ lo~ts mould nof, Viave frc~ntan,e on an improvec!. street. <br />The ~ity Clerk reported t>ia~r ~he City iias 15.Ei fPe~k o~f ^asen~ent for <br />se;~~er on bo~Pi "~fie p1itchell proper~ty anc~ ti~e :1idz~js properiy. ~~r. <br />Klidzejs disaqr^ed anri reported tnat tnerc. is 'LO feet of cas^men~: <br />on the ~~iitche1l property. <br />P~irs. Scalze pnirited out that sahe~~ tiie ~~?itc}i21'I pro}~eri:y c'evelo;~s, they <br />i7ay ~evant ar.cess frorn an~~1:'~ier area. <br />Fahey r~por1;etl ~t'nat C'ity ;~o1ir.y h~1s been ~to recii~ire `~~ feet o'F road <br />eas~~r~c~nt cl~dica9:ed to the pi.iblic to approve a nrop2rty divisir~n. I'~+i°y <br />c!id no~i: fee1 that tPie ~Cl~icixejs proper~y could be dividec until ~ti~e <br />~-litchell property devF~loos. <br />Kliclzejs report~d tha~: hF ~ias en easerient to get to Piis house anci <br />that in the future it 4voulcl ~e public. <br />o<1g~` -1'- <br />
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