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P4I i~!U7E S <br />Ci'ty Counc~il <br />~~c. 'il, 19~5 <br />I<1 i dzej s ~1r. !31 esen^r i ntro<luced ~he r'ol l owi nc~ resol uti ori and movec i i;s a.r•.opti on: <br />ProperY,y <br />~)ivisio~i R`~.S~I UTION i~~0. fiG-1~ 57R~ - A?PROVIP~~, THE :~.IOC~JS <br />(Cont.) I'l:OP~"Ty r)IVISION SU'3JE~T Tn, Tu~ ~rUTC,n.TI011 Oi~ .A <br />~Ill_L 25-F(~OT PU3LZC R011i) 0?~a T`IF SOUTFI SIOeS ~)F <br />T'lACTS Fl p,t10 B P,id`7 Sll!~,)~=~T TO `~X` SIJ7I0~~ OF A <br />DE`J~LOPER'S AG~R~E"1~.1'17 T!iAT TIiE OSdt'.!ERS Oi TRACTS <br />1a AP1D 13 k'il_L r10T OSJF..CT TO Tf~G Ii'1P?OVF."9!it~1T OF 71~IF <br />^,O,~n I1! 7FIf- FUTURE <br />ThP forF~goinci resolution rias duly secon~':ed '.~v '^~r. Collova. <br />Ayes (5) =..~1csener, "ollova, Scalze, '~~rc!ini, ~~ahey. <br />tl~yes (0`. <br />!?esolut~ion declar~d adopted. <br />7hi s resol uti on appeai°s i n Reso1 i.iti on !~oo!< No. 1 I, '~agc Ei28. <br />i,~F~;11 ;%rs. Scal ze p~i nted out ch~zt the P~ui 1 di ng ~nsnecl:or i s concerned tha~t <br />Ru~1ciings i~t is not possible to naine ever.Y typ~~ of building raacer'ial tiiat coi.+ld <br /> he used v~ith re~ard t~~ proposed ~rd9n~~nce Plo. 269. <br />!lgenda <br />Tteri !do. ~l <br />F~les~ner fel~t i~ ~~as no1: possibl~ to wr~i~e an ordinar,ce ~to c.over ~very- <br /> thinc. <br /> rahey agreed #;nat c~~ ~aord "stea1" should be a~acl~d to Stem 2 of the <br /> ordi nance I~ahey s r~teci tVi~~t i i' ~there i s a probl eri wi th Ch~ ordi nanc~, <br /> the Counc9l cou1c; look at it at t.haT, tir?e. <br /> f~ahey also felt tf~a~t 25% should be add~d to ILem 3. i~fr. Rlesen~r <br /> noi nted out th~t the Ci ty has i ssuec! a bui 1 di nc; p~ri~ri t for 1~!orins Ti res <br /> i;o allo~,~ this huiltlinn to 2xpand ~.vith s'ir~iilar r:iateri~1s. ThF ex~;~ansion <br /> i s ov: r ?5`%. <br /> f~ah~y pointed ou~t t'nat this is before the ordinance. <br /> t1os!<in as!<e<i hoei ~:4i~s ordinance ti~!i11 effr~~c~ his business. Rles~n~r <br />"1r <br /> . <br />r~~pl i ec! that: I:1 osl<i n~~oul d be a~l 1 ov~^r.l to expand ±~i ~ l~ui 1 c'i n~ up ~to 257~~ <br /> of tsie ex~isting struc~tur~ and ~,ait'n similar construc~kion. <br /> K1 osl<i n asi<ed 4•~iiat woul GI +~a;~nen shoul d. he tear ~he ~~ui 1 di nc, do~m. F ahey <br /> repli~d t~af: th~~n '~<los' a~teu'Id tiave to com{~>ly enit'n tne ord.inance. <br />Fahey fe1~t 1;hat th2 Council should, aqree on an intent of the ordi~nancE~, <br />a!~d then le~Y, the 11~t~.i:orn~~/ draft th~~ ordinance. Fafi~y as'~ed i~f tiie <br />i ntent ~;ias to al 1 o~rt a~lcii i:i ons ~>f '5°0 of ~Che exi s~;i n,n, b~.ii 1 cli nry ~r~i th <br />simi 1 ar ~;ateri 11 s. Fahe~/ stated tha ~~t.n2 square footaqe d h~ <br />bas~d on the exis~ting bu~ldin<~ an ~the dat~ ~~f i;he adoption of the <br />ordi nance. P1r. Rl esener agree~l. Sr,al z2 sta'ced ~that i i: stioi.~l d b~ <br />a inaximi~m o'P 25% and a one-t'ir~e deal. <br />Page -l~t_ <br />