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'1tilU7!' i <br />~.l t,~/ i.OU~iC'i ~ <br />DeC. 12, 1955 <br />~~j~l~,~~~s ~~d}l^`/ Y'(?h01"f:?f~ 1;f1<xl. '(',{lc^. rl Cy }l15 CIC'.Y17^C~. >ll'il~dY" 1"£'.f~U°StS. i~tlylE'f S'tdl`.C~'C~ <br />Pron~~r'ty that i:he Cit~ r.annc~tapprovea lot; unl~ss 'it fias frontage on a public <br />~1 V'1 SlOYI S1:Y'E"~. <br />(Cont.l <br />~ahey as',~ed if the !;ity Pias ever reqi~ired a road easersi~n~t, but that <br /> th~ easem2nt. noc he c~eveloned. ~aheq cited the cas~ of R:°. S;\uto. <br /> Clesener poin~e<! out ~t'na~t tt~e Ci~ty ~~~iil need r~;ore easement from <br /> the `".i Cc}~e~11 proper~ty. <br /> ~~ir. Kl i<ize j s asked the tyne of roaC t}i~ C'i~h,y ~,~toul ~s. rt~c~i.ii r~. Fe}~e.Y <br /> reported ~that ~ 5o foot easeri.<~nt vrould be r~cuirAd svith a'0 fbot <br />' <br /> ly 1'S f22t <br />oav~aG ar^a. I<1'idze,js n<rinted out ~tha~ Ts~iin i_a':~ `toad is on <br /> "!l C°. <br /> "lesen^r re:~ort~r! that, 't'ne ~i1;y need ?.5 f~e~ of road easernr~n~; frorn <br />~,-lr <br /> . <br />I:liclzeis in order to ~?ive Tracts '~ anr} C c~ccess. !3lesener did not th'ink <br /> t'nat ~:fiF Ci1;y sho~ald reGuir~~~ pavin~ at ~Chis ~tiine. <br /> :<lidzejs inciicated tYiat h~ ~~~as w~illinq to ciive t'n~is easement a1ong <br /> Trar~ts A and G, '~ut: pointed ou~t tnat he ~~lici not o~an Tract C. <br />The Planner repowted ttiat tne code allov~s the dedication of half a <br />stren~: ii pract:ic~l to requir^ the d~dir.ation of the otiier hzlf ±rl~~n <br />i;he adjoin~ng prop~rty dc~v~1ops. ~"r. Grittman then r~ported f.hat <br />t:h2 '<1 i dzej s proaerty wot.i1 d have frontag° o.r, ~ publ ~i r. s~ree^:, al tPioi.igh <br />it ~,~oulc~ r7ot fae ~Pully dedir,ateG'. Gri~trsan suc!,caested t'.iiat thht> Counc~l <br />deteri;ii ne ~;he t'ii~iefram~~ for the devel op~ient of the 'r'ii tchel l pros>2rty. <br />The Fngineer fel~t that the 2~ foot'. ro3<? de~ica'tion<I be suf~Fic'ient. <br />T:~e F.ngin~~r c!iel not feel tha~t 't?~c Ci~tv should ~xl~ect IC1~idze,is to <br />ni ve ~tn~ o~t~er 25 feet of road Y.hat a~~oul d be requi red frora th~ `~'i t.chel l <br />r~roperty. <br />Scal ze poi n~ted ou1; '~'nat ~the nropEr'ty ovmers ~ n the ~~lood.lyn Avenue area <br />~,~oul d al ,0 1~i'~e io ad~l on to the~i r hi.ii 1 di nc;s <and. the Counci 1 sai d, tr~at <br />thc~~ canno~t d.o i:his utit:hou± cetl'icat~nq and i:nnrov'ing a roti~i throuc~n <br />t:he area. ~laruini oointed out t'nai: this is a coa,ri?~rci<~1 area. <br />~aney poi ritecl ou~t t'ia.~t t'ne Ci ty has ~t`ie notenti ~1 ~or the c!ev~l opment <br />o~ the acfjoininy property in ~this cas~. <br />Sca1zE^ fe1t that Tracts °~ <and C shoi.~lc1 noti b~ allo~rred to expand in <br />any ~fii~1y t~inti l tY~e roac! 'i s im~~rovecf. <br />>ca1 ze til so fel i; that n~i ther of tht~ ~rouert.y orrners o F 7rar,~.s B or C <br />should protest tYie i~nprovernenL of the road rrhen Zhe t;irae coroes. <br />The C'it.Y Cleri< suqy2sted thaC a de~~eloDer's acrrez~~n^nt be recjuirec! <br />olqn _13- <br />