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p;ij~lliTirc <br />(;'I$;i ~0lIt1C17 <br />t7~c. 11, ~q~; <br />P1annrr's Tn^ Planne~^ s~!uraii.:f;ed a propos<11 fnr services for l~fi~ inCreasing his <br />!;on~ract rnon~thly f~~~~ frorn `<650 per o~onth ~to 5500. The Cl~r!c r~oted tri,,t ~:his is <br />the `i rs ~ i r~crease re~~a^s'ted i n four <br />Tt avas f~irther re~port^fi~ tha~: this increase is consistent i~rith r~Piat <br />other gro~.ips i~ave rnquested for 19f36. <br />P~?s. '~lare!i ni i ntr~d~ic~d the ~fol 1 o~ti nc2 resol uti on an~J movecl ~i ts ado~~ti on: <br />itfi"OLUTT(li~.! ~50. t>Ii-1?-577 - ,4PPC?OVIP,IC Ri'~~D <br />!!,;;CFpTT~-~~, Tf~F o~~~l?1"?`S P20pOS!1L P~`2 i~!?~lI!;ES <br />TY18 1`Oi"$EJO'i t1rt 1"eSO~ ll~l pil 4ldS (~t1~,y S°COYIC{L3Ci i)y ?'1Y'S. ~~Cd~ 7_F.. <br />~,~fiS ~J~ i~ll".j1Y11~ jC8~7.B~ `j~f1SQP1@Y'~ ~,O~~OVl~ t'Fi(IPf. <br />i~~1,yf?5 ~n~. <br />Res~luf.ion declared ad~pted.. <br />This resoliation app2ars in Res~lu~ion Cioo'~ Mo. 12, Page i~l. <br />F~band.ori~ci '"!rs. ?~lardin~i reported t;P~a~t tYi2 City's ordinance cio~s not civc 'che polic~ <br />V~hiclc~s the a~.rthority to re!:,ove 1n abztnc'oned vehic:1e from gublir. s~tre~t.s. Riardini <br />r^porte~S that tt~er^ rras recently si.ic4~ txn insi:anCe and ~the C~t.inty iiad to <br />Acienda be reques~i;ec4 ~o remove ti~e vehicle. <br />Iteet ,.!o. 13 <br />It ~,vas suggest2c` tha't t;hc A'ttorney revie+,~ thc orr~ina.nc2 ~nd dra,T* up <br />so~nethi ng t~~at ~~~i 11 ni v~ ~i;he~ Ci ty th'i s a~rthori ~Y. <br />~~laim'inci ~3eg~i~nninr, January 1 there ~aill he three ~Cerms o~P oi~i`ice'ilahlel on <br />Coci,nission the P'lann~ing Commission. it tN~s ihe concensus o~f the Council 'to advertise <br />~\ppointi~~~~nts these nosi~ions. <br />Aq~nda "~~rs. Scalze introcit.icen th~> follo~vinc anc! ~noved i1:s ac!<opi;~ion: <br />t'tee~ iJo. ln. <br />RESOLU7IQf,! ~0. 55-12-578 - A~)UF.RTISIM~~ TI~f2F~' <br />PpSITICIPJS A11ni1.:4131_F. QfJ TI~1<': PL!~~lNIid[;~ rr)",1:{iISSI011 <br />itl"qIid,IZ1IG J!l?lUARY 1, 19~3'~ 7!IROUGN r)scC~Pi't;FR <br />9~ ~ ~ Of>,~ <br />1'he for~qoin~~ r^solution w~s dul,y s~cond^d by i~9s. P~~lardini. <br />Flyns f`.;l Scalz~~, Pi~rdini, Faiie~/> L'ollova, Bles2n~r, <br />ridV@S (:)~. <br />f:;~st~1 i,it~i on decl areci adnpt~d. <br />~1115 P(?50~11~;1011 8p~1f?c9P5 7il ~:°$O~U~1C771 ~iOp~C i`~0. ~~~ ~ilnl~ j;i'?, <br />Parl; Ther~ is an~ 'term of of~~ir,e available on t~e P1rk Conimissic~n l~~gir~ning <br />~01(If!I15S1011 ~)dllL!d.l"1/ 7. ~OiIC^YISUS Rlcl$ ~;0 r7~Y:'Y'~lS" ~~115 r)OS1{:1011 P1S 4dt?~~. <br />nC;E?IlC~r1 <br />11~~1d~i ti on Praqe -17- <br />