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i4IhIliTFS <br />Ci ~t:y Cotinc'i'I <br />Dcc. 11 , 19£35 <br />Stree~: 7yiF foreno'inc? rz~sol~,~tinri ~,~as dtaly s~conr'e<i t>y ^~lrs. Scalze. <br />Linhtin~! ~V.^.S ~!)~'~~?.ti";~lfllj iCt~7~'~ ~,0~70~/8~ `i7~s~~~~~>r,~r~,r,~~y. <br />PO~1Cy "Id~~^S (Q~, <br />(f,ont. ) '?esol ut.i on d~~cl ared acioot2d. <br />7his resol!at~ion a~>pears in Re,olution i;oo!< ?!e. 17, ~ac^ ~34. <br />~C)ODYI°1^ ~'"iY'S. SCa~7C Y'P.n01"'LCC~ '~~"Id~l: Otl i)0C°Ill}>QV" ,si 9~(l/' F~lrl.5 8'~; d>C~"100~ (30c11"<~ <br />Par!, r~ee~t~inn. T~i~ suk~,ject of i.inus~d sit~s ~Fc~r sale came up anc4 Spooner <br />!?ar'< vras oriw of t~re si tes cfi scussed. 7P~!~ School Poard s~:atec! t'.ha.t <br />~oenrla it does not ~irant to rush into zn.ytn~inq, an<,1 t~~o~ild probably no~t make <br />Item ido. 1~ 2 decision un9;'i1 r~ext Year. <br />Tne Sch~ol 3oard ~sked P~lrs. Sc~1ze if Lit~:~a Canada Uras sti11 interest~d <br />i n buy'i nq S;~ooner Park . Scal ze i nforrned ti~em tha.t she taoul ri 'riav~ to checl <br />w~itl~ the Co!anc~i1. <br />Scal ze al so renorted that I_1 c~yd id'i el son ti~di 11 be ~uri ~~ ng ti~~ ~i ty a <br />1~~tt~r sta.t'ing that they ~ail1 be ma!<ing a decisir~n nex~t year antl asl:ing <br />if this ~,!ill co~if'u;~ tPie Cit~/'s p~lanninc. <br />~~ir. Rlese;~er, .~s, Narciini arir,l fi~r. FaliFy reporf:ed ~;l~at they saere ~n'r.2resf,ed <br />in purchasing t{~i~ pront~rty. <br />~a'ney Pel t that 'cSie (:i ty ~~ioul d be i ni;erested i n r~ursi.ii nu the purchas~ <br />any time ~that t'~e School (?istrict pi.rtf.V~e proprrty un for ,alc. Faf~ev <br />f~l t t.hat the Ci ty shoul c", ~.~ri te a. 1 e~t~ter i;o ~he Schoo1 Board i n~forn~i n~7 <br />~then that ttie City is interest:~d in nurchasinq the park. <br />P'irs. Sr,atze pointetl o~,ii; tkiat t;tie City +~!~11 n~e<l a referendur,~ t;o purc9ia.s° <br />th~ ,?ropert,y and pninted out ~that ~;iere +~ril1 be other refcarendi.~!~~s firoin <br />the Schoo1 District on the oallot. Sc~1ze qi.iestioned ~t'nat voters ~t~otilc' <br />approve 1:!u C~ity's r~fier?ndum in add~ition to tho>e froM the School <br />t?istrict:. <br />~3lesener fcl~t ~that ~the C'itv st~ould either in~ic~~tF a viill~ingness to <br />purcliase ~th~ nrop~erty or as:< fbr a lonc;-~r~rm ,r,om!nitmnnt frorn t?ie Sc4~oo1 <br />Rnard for ~C4~c~ use of thc property. <br />r~~lr. 81esen~~~r introduced th~~ fc~llowing reso1u~,ion anci ~';~oved its adop~~on~ <br />ftES01_UTSOPI N0, 8E;-12-h3:? - IP!>TRUCTl~IG T~iE <br />C.T.TY CLE:2f< TO !~~!`:TTF P, LEI~TER TO TIP,~ SCI100!.. !3~P,RI? <br />Iid~'ORPr1I;dC~ Tk{EF~I Ti~IAT THF CITY OF LITTLI: CAt~l~llt\ tS <br />I^ITEI?EiT<<) I:`~ "rT'1.I~•!I'I~a iPOf?yt~.R PAR': ~ITFI~i4t tiY ~UR~~i:4S!: <br />0!? LD'`IG-Ti:R~'~ AG;t':r;+i~p~T !!TTiI STIP!JL:hTSO;`! TlIAT -rF~~ <br />CITY ~F LTTTLE CAfdADA. 1~III_L SIIIVE 7fiE ?IGHT !?F <br />FII~ST REI=I;SAL I!= 7H`: Pn~?FRTY CO""~S U? ~~1" S~11 ~ <br />r~~n~ _~q_ <br />