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~;r!~!r~:s <br />~;t:y ~"oi,r,c.;l <br />~)(,?!`. ~ I ~ I ~)JJ <br />!>~ir`~t Cor!unission <br />(Cont. ; `~~ir. ~ ah~~~y i ntroduced the ~f-ol 1 o4~~i nq r~sol uti oi~ and rioved i i s ado~~ti on: <br />pf:S01_l!TIOi! N0. ~3(5-12-57~ - A.')VF:RTTST.h~!1 N <br />~'~SITT.O'~I k~,V11TLFlBI.f= 0~I TlIE PARK Ct1t~;~,~I~~IQ°~',I <br />!;E:r:~TDInIIP;G J,'1~!t!ARY I , 1986 <br />Th^ for~~qoing resn1utio~n rras duly s~conr'e<( hy h9r. B1esener. <br />~~`J8S ~~~ i'dliC}/~ ~i~2S~Y1CY'~ .r,,O~~OV<7~ $Cd~Z~'~ ~l~ll"OIYI'i. <br />rldV^S (O1. <br />Resolutinn declar~d adonted, <br />T'nis resoli.rt~ion app~~lrs in f?nsolu~f:ion F3oo'< ido. 12, ~age G32. <br />Sna;tplar; ~"r. Bl~,en~r report•~d ~:hat t,~r~ Pu'~~l~ic 'vlqrk, L1epnwf;ment ~~voulci li!;~ ~to <br /> ourCh~se a snori~loFa for t?~e n^r~ pic.k-u~ t•ruc'~. Thr~c bids hav2 aeen <br />A~enda obta.i ned and Publ ic !~,~or:<s ~~ioul d 1 i!;e to a~~rard tl~ie bi d to I.-? Company. <br />Item i~lo. 1`i I~t has also becn r2~ uested ttia~; the funclinr comf~ from the 19<3o budget. <br />i~~1s. Plard~i ni ~i ~ntro<=.!!ced the fol l owi ng resol uti on an<i movec! i~ts adopti on: <br />%2'"SQI_UTT01;! !~Ip. f;t~-1?-i,0 - ~~PRO~IT~;G <br />TII'- Pll!?C}I/1S.":. 01= P, 5`d0';iPL01! 1-'>(1'n ~_i <br />r,[1,~1p,~fiY Fr)ft TH!" CITY' S 1~l~ S,~ PICK-UI~ TRUCI<, <br />AI.LOCATTO,`I TO !3[ FRO:"1 Tlii= lt?i6 i3UDl:~fT <br />The forer!ninc; resoliation ~-~as c!uly seconr+,e<; by '"r. '1^sener. <br />~`YQS ~Jr I~)l}"(~1111~ `)~^S°tlf?Y'~ ~'il(1°1~~ (.07~OVd~ SCl~ZB. <br />\I1vk?S ~~)~. <br />[~es~~1tition dnclared ad~>pt~~d. <br />Thi > reso1 ui:i ~~m appears i r~ Reso1 uti on 500!< Pio. 12, ~aae Fi33. <br />Str~ei; 'r~~lr. Slesener si.ib~;iitted to t~e Council for c.onsideration ~ street li~sitinr <br />t.ight~in<7 policy ~~ri~iich he and the Pt.ii~t~ic ,~!orks Si.iperintend~nf r~coe~n~~nd hr approved. <br />!~olicy "lesFn~r aointed out tha~t ~t~.~ro ~zlrar!raphs have b2en ad~c~ec! to tne pol4cy <br />frt>r,, rrha~l: ,ras prev~iously subnlit~tec. The~t deal ~r~ith Counr,il anproval <br />fjnen~'a of certa~i n tyue:~s of 1 i cihti ng and i nstanc~s an<.I t~~'nen ti~~ Put~l i c t~iorks <br />~dditiori S~.aperintenden~: is ~ut!~iorized to approve liqhts. <br />~1 esenr-~r al so poi nt~d OU t t(Idt "tIl'.? Ci ty c!nes not ,ia~ie a st,andar<i <br />ornairiental 1igh~t, P~!eitYier does PISP. ~3lesener suc~gested that ~if th~ <br />Council uranCs a stanciard, it 4vi11 hav~ to s•iork on ~tiiis. <br />f ~s. hdarcli ni i ntrodt~iced ~f;he ~ol l o~,~i nn. rs~~sol ts~t,i ori aru! n2nved i ts ad.o~t i nn: <br />R:=S01_L'1'IO';! f.!0. 85-1?-`i31 - ADOPTI:"!G TF!~: ST'?E~T <br />~_ISf!TI~IC~ Pr)LICY AS !.'R"SE~1T..D I~Y h1R. BLIi>C~:i`::'~ <br />°aae -1 ~3- <br />