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('IIidUT~=S Oi THt: RF.GUL~R "1EETI?dG <br />f,T.TY COUidCIL <br />LT7TI_E C~!dADFl, P'IITINESOTti <br />Der,ember 11, 19n5 <br />F~genda <br />I~:em Pdo. 1 <br />Agenda <br />Item ilo. 'L <br />Pursuant to tl~.ia cal l anct noti ce thereof ~ re,yui ar meeti ng of tYie <br />Coi.mcil of ~he City of Little Canaada, Plinnesnta was held on the llth <br />day of December, 19a5 in the .f,ounci1 Chamb~rs o~f ~CI7e City Center <br />located at 51C~ I_~ttle Canada I',oad in sai~1 Ci4:,y. <br />i~'ayor P~iichael Fahey chaired the it~eeting ~~rid ca1~led i~P. to order 1t ~:30 <br />P.C~. ancl tPie fo11o~~ing members ~Fiere present at ro11 call: <br />',;F,,~~3F..RS ~'RFSfidT <br />11LS0 PRES(:P1T <br />rqayor <br />Councilman <br />Counci 1 srian <br />Counr.ilvaoman <br />Counc~ilwoman <br />C1tv C~CP!C <br />City Engin2er <br />City l~ttorne,y <br />Ci'ty Planner <br />Recording S~cretary <br />P~1r. P~lichael ~ahe.y <br />~1r. ;~ti 11 i are Ql es~ner <br />P1r. Ric;c Collova <br />;~1s. P1ugs IJarclini <br />i+lrs. f3everiy Scalze <br />"e1r. Joseph C~~lebecl< <br />i~ir. Oonald Carley <br />~~r. Thomas Seieeney <br />~'lr. St^ve {lri ttman <br />''irs. Kathleen G1anzer <br />Approv~l Mrs. Scalze ind~catec that on page 6, 6th parac~raph of the ~lovember <br />nf 7he ?_b Council mce~ing hiinutes, ~~~?r. "1orelan's conments s'no~,ild be correcten <br />?iinutes to reflect t'nat t'rie City ~~ioul<! negotiate for the purchase of the hoc!<e~~ <br />rinl<s at Kel1ong High ;chool. <br />Acjenda <br />Itern T:.o. 3 r9s. Pdardini indicated that on plqe 5, lst paraqraph, second sentence, <br />1:he viord "rent" shoulc( he amended to "using". ~lso, refcrences made <br />to Juran R i~~1oody as ~3ound Counsel should be amended ~to "~oncE RepresenCat~ve". <br />"1s. Plardini introduced the fol1o~~~ing resol~.ition and rnoved its acioption: <br />RESOLUTIO\ ~40. t35-12-570 - AP~ROVIPI(', TNf <br />P~iINUTI$ OF TfIE PlOVE1~IBER ?6 COUPICIL I'~[:~TIPIC <br />4!I7H TIiE OUTLIN~D CORRECTTONS <br />7he for~c,oing resolution s~ias duly >econcled by "4r. Collova. <br />11yes ( 5) A!ardi ni , Co'i l ova, FaY~ey, Plardi ni , Scal ze. <br />iJayes (O). <br />Resolution declared adopted. <br />This resolution aopears in R~~solution Book ~!o. 1?., Paqes 62~! and f2'.~• <br />?~r. B1 esener i ndi cated that the December 4~n~i nutes s~~oul c( be amFnded to <br />in<ficated that the Council aaaarcled the lo~v bid of ~~merican ~lational in <br />the bonc' s~le for the re~f~inding of General Obiigation 3o~nds o~f 19i3,.'.. <br />~aqe -1- <br />