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i•9I PdU7F S <br />City Council <br />Dec. 11, 19~5 <br />fi!inutes P~9r. C,ollova ~introduced the fol1ov~ing resolutionandr~oved ~its adopt~ion: <br />(rc?nt. ) <br />RESOLUTIOPI N0. £35-12-571 - APPROVIIJG TIIF <br />f4INUT~SJF Tfi[ D~C~~1f3ER 4, 19H5 S°FCIFlL <br />COUMCII_ ~1FETTPI(?~ ldI7H TN~ OU7lI~dED ,4DDI7ION <br />The foregoing resolu~t~on was duly seconcled by P~1r. 3lesener. <br />1\yes (~) Collova, Rlesrner, Scalze, ~aYiey, Ilardini. <br />~layes (0). <br />ResoluCion declared ac~o~~ted. <br />7'riis r~solution a!~pears in Resolution f3ook :'~lo. 12, Paqc f25. <br />Rutxic;c F~hey opened ~the <br />Mr puhlic hearinq on the rezoning oP the Fl~rbert and <br />Proposal . <br />'-rv~in !~fint2r propert y and the r.xpansion of the Ri.itzic!< PUD to include <br /> the !~ac!: portion of the Ilinter pro~~Earty. <br />Aqenda <br />4 <br />Item iio <br />S~1s. Pdardini rer~orted <br />that she receiv~d a call from P~1r. ~_.~ <br />e~ of Iona <br />, lane sta~ting that he s~as ~11 and coiild not attend the meeting, hut <br /> that he vias oppose~l to i:he Rutz~ic!< proposal. <br />~aney reported that this Siearinn is a result of several differ^nt <br />hearinns and ,aorl<shops. On Dlov2riber 13 Che City approved a site pl~n <br />for Pir. Rutzic!<'s oroposal conting~nt upon man~ different reouirements <br />such as the nossibility of senior citizen apartmenls ancl F^ncing. <br />On ilovemher 2u the Coi.mcil gave preliminary approval to industriai <br />revenue bonds for tne proposal. <br />The ~urpose of t~ie hearinc~ is for the Council to decide vanether or <br />not to incorporate as part of the project, th~ 4;inter pronerty. This <br />vras a contingency added to I.iitzid:'s original proposal. The Council <br />was concerned t'riat clue to the develo~ment of the Cardinal pro!~erty, the 4linter <br />pr~perty wou1 d becorne 1 an<I1 oc!<eel. <br />tir. cahey pointed out tnat 1;he Planninc; Corirnission voted 7 to (l to cleny <br />the PUD and recoinmenc!ed that a stepped-d.o~~n zoning on the S~linter proper~ty <br />be r.onsidered. The Planninn Coi=imission did not recommend that i:he <br />1!inter ~roperty rt~mairi R-1, but rather some type oF transitional zoning. <br />P~hey reporteci ~tha'c the Council has C4ioroughly reviea~~ed the P1anniny <br />Cor;in~~ssion meetinc~ minutes an~( t~e has spoken ind~vidi.ially ti~ith <br />~lanninr Cornmission niembers an~ Mr. Ru~CZir,l<. Rutzic!< adviseci !=ahey <br />in th~se co~~v~rsations that he is not interested in r~sidential <br />devel oE~ment on the bac!~ ha1 f of the I~li n ter oroperty. hie i s a1 so <br />not interested in saorlcinc~ ~,s~i'th st~pped-down zoning because of the <br />size of the property involved, th2 project would not be financially <br />fe~s'ible. <br />Flr. Ted 3erg,troci of Iona Lane anci re{~resenting the tona Lane residarrt>, <br />appeared bcfore the Council. ~erqstrom r~nort~d that ;~9r. Do,jni!< could <br />Ptxc~e -'L- <br />