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t1INUTES <br />ri~y Council <br />Dec. 11, 1905 <br />~2i.itzici< <br />Pronosal <br />(Corrt. ) <br />noi: b~ present at the in~eti ny, aut that he su{>porteci ~s~e oosi ti on o~F <br />tf7e Iona Lane residents. <br />5ergstro~7i r~ported that ht~ has lived on Iona Lane for 23 years and m~vecl <br />into the area d.ue to the excellent sc4iools and uncongest~d living. <br />Berc~strorn had t~rio concerns ancl of~Fcred som~ poss~blE~ sol~.itions. The <br />first c.oncern ~tas f.he tr2nd to builci aoartments in LiY.tle Canada. <br />13ergstrom felt that the nro~ortion of peoE~1e living in apartments has <br />gone up Cremendously and ~that tne City is becorninrj a renting, ~transient, <br />non-o4~mer sing1e parent community. 3erqstrom pointed out that 1:his <br />~trend has not losaereci ~tax~s, nor improved tti^ quality of schools in <br />tt~e City. 13erqs~rom F~ointed out tha~ P1rs. Tir,mions of ~the Planning <br />Comrnission veriPiec! this posif,ion and reported that Little Cana.da has <br />an overs•rhelr.ii ng n~unber of T i ti c I chi 1 dren. <br />B~rgstrom pointed that this oroposai involves the rezoning of ~2-1 <br />property in order to c>uild 156 apartni^nt units. Bernstrom asked tihe <br />~ity's objection for doing so. 5~rc;stra~i P~lt that this trend is leading <br />to poorer schools, ninher tax~s and a non-rn;rned coi~rnunity. <br />The second concErn of Iona I_ane is the three-story apartment b~ril<i~inq <br />on the Y;inter property. <br />43~rystrom offerFd~ 1;4ie fo1lo~ving so1i.itions: T'ne first e~lould be biailc!ing <br />tosdnhoiises of a maxi~num rieight of one and one-half stories on th~ nort'n <br />nortion of the !Jinter nrop~~rty ~;tith a one hundred foot buffer zone of <br />tihich 75 fe^t ~,rould rernain untouci~~d. The second choice t~~ould !~e sorae <br />sort of transitional zoning liy nlacing sinc!1~ family housing on th~ <br />l~linter property ~,vith a stre2~ easement shared by fihe S~'inter and Ca•rc~ina1 <br />proUerties starCinn on Canacla Road. To~.,mr~ouses could bra locatEC! <br />on th~ north side of t~~e street and the remainder of the Card.inal property <br />develope<I per t'ne existing zoninq. The third ciioice would bc~ to indivi- <br /><lually purr_'nase the ~linter land in qu2stion. The propert,y o~mers on Iona <br />Lane orrning Lots ~f, 5, 6, 7 ancl ~ have aqreeel to proceed a~ith this <br />alternative shoi.ild the tirst and second choicrs 4e re;ected. >ergscrorn <br />staCe<l that ati th the ap~~ropri at~ road e~sesuents, the osaners can match <br />or nearly r+~atch the pric~ offered by ?4r. RuCzir.'r.. ThEre are o'cher <br />alt~rnatives such as nark land ~r senior citiz~n apart~neni;s vdhich Iona <br />lane consi c!ers to b? 1 ess desi rai~l ~. <br />?3erqstrom felt i:hat a. tnree-story anartment i~~.iildinn nnxt to Iona Lan2 <br />~.•iotild ~iiolat2 good nlanninc and tii^ residents' trust in the City. l3ergstrom <br />~~as iri favor of the recois~~*ienefation of the Plannin~ Cominission for some <br />typ;a of st~r~n°d-dot~m zoning. <br />t1r. `lles~ner e•r.uressec! c~ncern s~it'n alternati~re thre~ in that if Ri.rtzick <br />develops ti~e Cardinal property and in the future the Ioria Lane peop1e <br />s:r~inted to develop t'nc bacl< of tlie Slinter property, ~th~re may be a problem <br />in ass:~ssing thr-. cost of the str2et. <br />Qerc~stro~n stated that by purchasing this property, ~th2 Iona Lane residenis <br />Paye _3_ <br />